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"When?" I asked as I looked at him open-mouthed.

"Tonight at 8 ..." He answered.

"... Why?" ...Well that was an obvious question...

"I got nominated for 3 awards ... Me and Robyn, so you'll get the chance to meet here again!"

"... That's great, Marshall. But what the hell am I supposed to wear?" I asked myself loud and took off before I jumped into bed.


"Huh?" I said when I heard the sound and looked down at the floor. There lay an empty can of Red Bull ... "Wait, what? Where did that come from ??" I asked and picked up the empty box, Marshall looked at the box just as questioning and sat down in the bed himself.

Cuuush !! We heard again and another Red Bull box came out from under the bed ... ?!

"Another one ?? What the..." Marshall asked.

"Check under the bed, it came from there ..." I said and pointed, he looked at me strange and sat down on the floor, bent down and looked under the bed.

"WELL DAMN!!" He exclaimed and looked up to meet my gaze.

"What ??" I asked, he waved me over. I bent over the bedside and looked under the bed.

"Holy ... !!!" I exclaimed, a giant pile of empty Red Bull cans was lying under the bed! No wonder we can't remember anything, we were high on energy !! ...

Fuck, I didn't remember anything ...

"Now we know why we don't remember anything at least, now to the fun part! What the hell am I going to wear..." I asked and walked over to the wardrobe.

"You do that, I have to prepare a speech if I win anything ... I doubt it, but what the hell ..." he said and took out a crumpled note from his drawer in the nightstand.

"Why--" I started, but quickly tossed away the idea.

"What?" He asked.

"Never mind ...."


"Oh my god ... PEOPLE !!" I exclaimed when the limo stopped in front of the red carpet. People were screaming and crying, it flashed in cameras and I look startled out the window.

"This is nothing! Come on, you've been in front of more people, don't freak out about this... Come on, I'll go out first..." He nodded to the driver and screams were nearly deafening when he got out of the car. He waved to them and turned to me, he had the typical look he always had on his face, I don't give a fuck. Of course.

I took his hand and walked out of the car, people screamed and flashes flashed.

"---and at the end of the show there will be a surprise from the celebrities. Now, a well-known rapper and his wife just arrived, let's see if we can get them over here for a quick interview!" I heard from someone behind me when Marshall walked fast past everyone and everything. "Eminem, can we have a quick interview ?? Eminem? Eminem? Jessica ??" I turned around when they called my name, Marshall stopped and looked at me.

"Come on..." He said impatiently, I shook my head and walked over to them. They stood around a small table on a podium with cameras aimed at them. I walked up to the podium and greeted them, Marshall shuffeled over to us slowly. He was wearing black pants, a white shirt with the black leather jacket over. He walked up to the podium and took my hand in his quiet while he coughed softly.

"Hi, Jessica! My name is Alisha, and this is Tom. So, like ... You have been married for, how long now?" She asked, I smiled as I looked over at Marshall.

"How long has it been now? 10 months?" I asked him, he shook his head and winked at me.

"One week and 11 months, to be exact ..." He said as if it were the most natural thing in the world. I laughed briefly and kissed him on the cheek.

"It was close though!" I said and met the eyes of Alisha, she smiled at me.

"You guys are so cute together! You're goals! But, now as Twitter is killing us. We have to ask you ..." She turned to Marshall who looked at her with a stone face, while he stroked his thumb over my hand. "Are you hoping to win anything tonight?" She asked, Marshall cleared his throat.

"Uhm ... No, I hope not, cause I hate public speaking. But it'd be cool to know that someone appriciate my work, y'know ..." He answered and put his other hand in his pocket, a sign that he was prepared to stand here a loooong time ...

"Do you hope he wins something today, Jessica?" She asked and met my gaze.

"I hope he wins, cause he's cute when he's nervous ..." I said, he met my gaze and gave me a stick high glance.

"Ha! I never get nervous!" He said, crossing his arms with a duck face, I giggled at the sight.

"Really?" I asked sarcastically, he dropped his arms down at his sides.

"No." He replied and put his hands in his pockets pleased when everyone started laughing.

"Okay, good luck tonight! We gotta move on to--" Marshall took my hand in his and pulled me after him.

High On Love #2 (English)Where stories live. Discover now