Oh, Marshall...

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Marshall became more and more loud throughout the night, he had been drinking a lot of Red Bull and it almost seemed like he was drunk! He was messing around and laughed with the rest of the gang, 50 had gone home long ago and he was a completely drunk wretch ... Good thing he had a driver!

I felt a bit left out the since I couldn't drink any Red Bull myself and join in the fun, but you don't need to get drunk or anything to have fun! Besides, I was pregnant...

"Marshall, how many Red-Bulls have you been drinking by now ??" I laughed and looked at his wide-open, happy and energetic eyes when he met my gaze.

"Just 5. BRING ME ANOTHER ONE, WILL YA ??" He laughed and waved his hands to the bartender, he had stared at me the whole evening and fucking hell, I felt his gaze in the neck all the time! It was absolutely insanely freaky.

I shook my head towards the bartender, Marshall didn't need any more Red Bull now ... The bartender smiled at me and nodded understandable before he continued to do his job while he sent me some glances here and there. Ugh ...

"Aigh't, Slim ... Jessica, we're leaving ... This was awesome!" Said Swifty and the rest of the guys to D12. I smiled at them and gave them hugs to say goodbye.

"Holy shit ..." Come it from Marshall, he closed his eyes and his jaw tightened in concentration.

"What?" I asked, it was just us left at this table, the rest of the gang sat at a table further away.

Marshall met my gaze, his pupils were huge and both his legs shook with energy under the table.

"I'm sorry ... But you gotta drive ME home today ..." He chuckled and he blinked hard once before he met my gaze again.

"So are we--" I started, but just then an slow song played. I stopped in mid-sentence and smiled when I heard Whitney Houstons "I Will Always Love You" over the speakers.

"Finally ..." Marshall said, he stood up and gave me his hand. I looked up at him shocked with a smile before I took his hand and let him lead me to the dance floor, several couples had gathered and began dancing when we came and stood in the middle of the crowd.

I met his gaze when he turned to me and gave me a little smile before he put my hands on his shoulders and then let his hands rest on my hips.

"It's been a while since we did this last time ..." he said softly and looked in my eyes, I bit my lower lip.

"Did you plan this?" I asked shocked with a big smile on my face, I listened to the lyrics at all times and I felt tears push when he nodded.

"I asked if they could play it when we were the last one left at our table ... I didn't want the guys to ruin the moment." He replied and sent a quick glance at my lips with a slight smile.

"Oh, Marshall ..." I Smiled and when the chorus began I pulled him down to me smiling in a wink. It felt as if the song was about us and written exactly to this moment! He let me lead the kiss, let me pull him down to me and let me be the one who led my fingers through his short blonde hair.

I let go of him smiling and put my head against his chest. He kissed my forehead.

"And I will always loooove yooouu ..." He sang quietly to the song, I laughed briefly and sniffed back some tears.

"I can't believe you did all this ..." I finally said. "For me ..." I completed, he exhaled smiling.

"I would do anything just to see that beautiful smile on your face ..." He wiped away a tear from my cheek when I looked up at him. I pulled him towards me in a hug. I gelt he stroked my back quietly and kissed me on the cheek.

I have no words ... I have no words for him, no words could describe my thoughts or feelings right now when I stood and hugged him. The man, who danced with me to one of my favorite songs that actually went slowly and was romantic! Marshall Mathers ...

"I love you ..." I said and sniffed once more when the song was finished. I let go around him and met his blue eyes, he smiled at me when he wiped more tears from my cheek.

"Don't cry ..." He chuckled and took my hand in his as he led me over to the table again.

"I wanna go home ..." I said, he turned to me and met my gaze, he nodded.

"Okay, come on. Let's go and pay the bill then." He said and gave me a slight smile before we both walked down to the bar to pay.

The same bartender came up to us and gave me a smile, I took the hand of Marshall in mine quickly. The bartender noticed, and coughed a little nervous as Marshall looked at him with a cold gaze.

"Mr. and Mrs. Mathers. I hope you had a wonderful evening!" He said, it sounded like he was Spanish, it was a small mixture of English with Spanish accent.

"We Did, thank you. We'd like to pay." Said Marshall and took out his wallet from his back pocket, but the bartender shook his head and met my gaze again with a smile.

"On the house." He said and winked at me, Marshall sent me a questioning look and thanked the bartender before he took my hand in his and walked out. Paparatzies took pictures like crazy, I really can't believe that Marshall isn't blind off all the flashes ...

We got into the car, I drove, it was probably the best anyway ...


Once the car was in the garage and the engine was off I jumped out of the car, took off my heels and held them in my hand while I ran barefoot up the stairs and into the house. I threw the shoes from me in the hallway and ran into the living room when the door was opened again and a laugh made echo in the hallway.

"Jessica, what are you doing?" He laughed, I paused a laugh while I leaned against the wall by the door and waited for him to come in. I didn't answer. "Jessica?" He asked again and his head peered into the living room, he didn't see me since he had his back towards where I stood. I smiled and grabbed the sleeve of his leather jacket and turned him around. 

He met my gaze with a surprised smile when I pushed him against the wall. I looked into his eyes seductively as I pulled off his leather jacket behind his back and let it fall on the floor, he smiled, turned me around and pushed me against the wall while he held around my waist. He leaned close to me and kissed my neck slowly, which caused me to moan.

I brought my hands under his t-shirt and felt the warmth from his chest under my hands. He released my waist and let me drag off him his t-shirt, his lips met mine and his hands moved from my waist down to the edge of the dress. He brought his hands under the dress, up my thighs and lifted me up so I sat on his hips. 

He stroked my thighs without breaking the kiss as he started to walk toward the bedroom. He didn't flinch from me a second while he walked with me up the stairs and went to the bedroom door. He turned his back toward the door and walked in, sat down on the bed so I sat on him with one leg on each side.

He brought his hands up from my thighs, up to where the zipper of my dress was. I smiled when I felt  he pulled the zipper down and the dress gradually became slacker around me. I pushed him down on the bed and let go of the kiss while I looked him in the eyes. His blue eyes that looked into mine brown admiring and his mouth, which had just touched mine, smiled easily up to me. He stroked my thighs while I stroked him over his chest still while we looked at each other.

"I love you so much, baby ..." He said softly and chuckling and brought his hands up from my thighs.

"I love you more ..." I replied softly, his hands stopped at my waist and went forward toward the small lump I now had on my stomach. His hands stopped around the lump and he sat up and met my gaze as he pulled my dress off. Once the dress was off so he looked into my eyes and then down on my stomach, he stroked my belly gently with a little smile.

"That's impossible..." He finally said and kissed my stomach before his lips met mine again.

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