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"Hahaha, you're such a wierdo ..." I looked at him while I picked up my phone and hit reply. "Hey Sasch, I'm--" I started, but she interrupted me quickly.

"THEY'RE TEARING THE WHOLE PLACE DOWN !!" She screamed into the phone, I almost lost my phone in shock.

"SASCHA !! What the hell ?? Calm down! Jesus, you're gonna make me deaf some day ..." I said and met Marshall's eyes. He lay next to me in bed and looked at me quizzically.


"Sascha ?? Go where ??" I asked frantically and put it on speaker so I didn't have to answer questions from Marshall afterwards.

"The block you lived in ?? Duh! I saw it just now, when drove past it to work! JESSICA !!"

"Alright, alright !! We're coming, I'll call you when we're there..." I said, and hung up before she could answer, I looked over at Marshall.

He said nothing before he got up and dressed himself. I smiled to myself when I looked at his muscular back as he pulled on a t-shirt.

"I'll make us something quickly on the go." He said and kissed me briefly before he walked out of the bedroom and down the kitchen.

I sighed as I began to dress as well...


He drove the car into the parking lot and already memories poured in. I met his gaze smiling.

"You remember when we first met? When I woke up from passing out of course ..." I chuckled, he nodded and followed my gaze as I looked at the abandoned playground outside the block.

"I can still see the kids faces as they ran away from us, haha!" He chuckled and followed me when I walked out of the car and on the path to the block.

"Yeah That was some hardcore kissing right there..." I laughed and felt he took my hand in his quiet. 

We walked in the front door to the hallway and up the stairs until we got to the door that was once the entrance to my apartment. I pushed the door open and smiled when I saw it was almost untouched -same floor, same wallpaper and the same smell ... ugh ...

"Fuck, and this ... 'I want you! Now!' What the fuck..." He laughed and closed the door behind us.

"That was an expirience for sure ..." I reminisced and walked into my old bedroom. The bed was still there, the only thing that wasn't there was the pillows and the covers. "That's something I'll remember for a long time !!" I said and jumped into the bed and met his gaze. "In this bed, I lost my virginity! And the story get's better! In this bed, I lost my viginity to the legendary Eminem..." I said triumphantly, he met my gaze for a short laugh before he jumped onto the bed himself.

"Awesome, very good story! Tell me more ..." He said and looked at me with an interested gaze.

"Privacy, sweetheart ..." I said and pointed at him carefully.

"WHAT ?! Privacy ?! What the hell are doing with That ??" He said and put his hands around my waist and lifted me up to his lips. "I just wanna know, y'know ... I mean, you lost your virginity to Eminem! You've gotta tell me about it ... I mean, he's sexy as hell..." he said and stroked my back with a satisfied grin..

"But you of all people should know that? You're one of his closest friends? You two are so close that you could've been one person!" I said and looked into his blue eyes.

"He's kinda secret full when It comes too that ... So, I'm hoping to get some clues? Or else I'll get the other guy ..." He said, he refers to the crazy blonde who has a criminal record of 17 rapes, 400 assaults and 4 murders ... Yes, that guy!

"Ah, Him ... He's kinda hot, though ... I don't mind if you get him ..." I said and winked at him flirtatious, he raised eyebrows smiling and leaned toward me to our lips met again.

"Helloooo ?? Jessica ?? Marshall ?? SOMEBODY HERE ?!" I heard Sascha shout from the front door, I smiled and let go of the kiss.

"We're In here !!" I shouted back and shortly after appeared another blonde came is sight, she peered into the room and rolled her eyes at us.

"What a shock, you're cuddling in the bed ... Thank god you're still dressed ..." she said and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"You agree with me right? Slim Shady's hot!" I said to her, she nodded smiling and we heard Marshall released a chuckle.

"Slim Shady is the hottest! Ah! Marshall? You should be more like him, you're way too soft ..." Sascha said, I nodded at him and both I and Sascha pretended we considered him carefully.

"Slim Shady doesn't give a fuck in such a hot way ..." I said daydreaming and met the smiling gaze of Marshall. "I still love you though!" I stated and then he burst out laughing.

"Well, now I'm not gonna get him here ..." he said and coughed smiling as he pulled me up in another short kiss. When he let go around me, I looked at him while I bit my lip, I KNEW he LOVED it when I bit myself in my lip ... He got big eyes and quickly let go around me, hiihihi...

"See? Way too soft ..." I said, Marshall raised his eyebrow and cleared his throat as he sat up in bed to not meet my gaze. Hahaha! I turned to Sascha again.

"I'll show you when we get back home, bitch ..." I heard from behind and I turned toward him with a shocked smile.

"I'm still here!" Said Sascha and waved at us.

"Yeah, we know ... Sadly you are ..." I said and winked at her, she showed me the finger smiling.

"Fuck you." She said.

"Fuck you." I said.

"Fuck You. I felt left out ..." Marshall added and everyone burst out laughing.

High On Love #2 (English)Where stories live. Discover now