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Interviews, interviews, interviews ... Blah, blah, blah ...

I'm sorry, baby ... I love you, I'll pay back! He did, but still :( I won't be late.

I stared after him quietly as he walked toward the car, he turned and met my gaze.

"Don't look at me like that! I'll pay back! DOUBLE! TRIPLE! Whatever you want! Just don't look at me like that!" He said and stopped in front of the limo, the driver stared anxiously at Marshall and then at the watch.

"Anything I want?" I asked and pretended I considered the offer.

"Anything." He cried.

"Can I come with you? Haillie is at a sleepover ..." I said, he looked at me critically.

"They asked me if you would come and I said no, so--"

"Mr. Mathers, we don't have so much time!" The driver said impatiently, I looked at the driver a little pissed. Marshall nodded and met my gaze again.

"Fine, but hurry!" He said, I smiled as I ran inside and changed into something suitable. I checked myself out in the mirror and my eyes fell on my stomach, it wasn't visible yet, cause I'd only been pregnant for 2 weeks. "Jessica! We gotta go!" I heard Marshall shout, I smiled to myself one last time in the mirror before I ran down the stairs and out to get in the car.

"Were's the interview gonna be?" I asked while we held hands and looked at each other.

"In the studio, Dre and I make raps and beats. They're coming from New York, JUST to interview me... What the hell..."

"Just? You're Eminem, it's a damn good reason to go ..." I chuckled and nudged him in the side. He grinned and kissed me on the cheek.


"I was getting worried if you'd skip this!" Said a man with brown hair when we entered the studio. He smiled at Marshall and got big eyes when he saw me. "I thought you said she wasn't coming?" He asked Marshall, he looked at me again and just nodded. He didn't answer and took my hand in his and pulled me in to where the interview was supposed to be.

"Why didn't you answer?" I asked and met his gaze, he looked at me with a protective unwise look in his eyes.

"I've heard he likes you, like a LOT. So be careful what you answer if you do get questions, and could you stop with that?"

"Stop with what?" I chuckled.

"That, stop. It's cute." He said and kissed me softly on the lips when the interviewer walked in.

"Okay." He said and sat down on the chair above us. He shook hands with both of us. "Jacob." He said and smiled at us both, I noticed he smiled wider to me, which caused Marshall to react. He exhaled heavily and looked at Jacob with a critical and slightly pissed gaze, I took his hand in mine and stroked calmly over his hand.

"Okay, first take." Someone said and took out a cheer like you always see in movies! It was kind of cool actually.

"He's well known for his explicit content and strong use of lyrics, which has caused a lot of meanings to his songs, but what is the superstar really like? We're digging in to the dramatic life of the world wide hip hop icon, Eminem..."Said Jacob, the camera crew showed thumbs up to him and showed signs that he should continue. He met my gaze and winked at me before he met Marshall's gaze. He gritted his teeth and his jaw tightened as he stared hard at Jacob. "Eminem, there has been a lot of news with you lately. Have you seen todays news by the way?"

"No, should I?" Asked Marshall and tried to keep the joking tone he always has in interviews, it was still a bit anger in his voice though, he couldn't hide it...

"Yes, I have a copy of it right here." Jacob picked up a magazine and showed us the front, me and Marshall read over the tear gaping. 

Eminem and wife expecting a baby ??

"Huh ..." Marshall said and sat back in his chair with his eyes glued to Jacob. 

"Are the rumors true?" He asked, I stretched towards the magazine and Jacob gave it to me with a smile. Can you fucking stop ?? For both me and your own sake ??

I took the magazine quickly and flipped up where the article was  and I felt a smile forming on my face.

"What're you smiling about?" Asked Jacob, I looked up at him and made sure to not smile just as much. "You have a pretty smile, nothing like that!" He laughed and I looked at him uneasy.

"Can you stop?" Came from Marshall, I met his gaze and there was no doubt that he was pissed. It was a fact that he was overprotective when it came to family, and it was a little sweet that he was now, but now I was directly afraid of Jacob's own health and safety ....

"Stop with what?" Asked Jacob again and smiled at me even wider.

"That! Yo! Dude, I'll fucking kill you if you continue with that flirting! You got that?"

"No, no, no, no! I see. No, I'm gay!" He smiled and laughed briefly, Marshall breathed out a little shocked.

"What?" Asked Marshall and seemed to calm down a little more down.

"Don't worry, she's yours!" He laughed and smiled at me.

"You're gay?" I asked, smiling at him, he nodded. "He's mine by the way..." I said jokingly, Jacob laughed too.

"I have a boyfriend, so it's okay with me! But, Eminem? I have a question..."

"Of course you do... I'm sorry, man." Marshall chuckled.

"It's nothing. In your early years of your career, you had many homophobic lines in your raps. Are you against homosexuality?"

"I have nothing against it. It just happened to rhyme with what I was writing at the time and yeah. I have nothing against any sexuality at all. And other rappers at the time, were saying and rapping the same shit that I did just in another beat, and that I got all that thrown against me was kinda fff-- can't swear on TV ... I just started to think if it was because i was white, that I was different or something like that. It was messed up, it didn't make any sense."

"I understand. And what about you Mrs. Mathers? You have always been a fan of Eminem, what did you think about this? That people demonstrated against him and all that?"

"I thought it was crazy. I've always loved rap, so I've listened to Tupac, Biggie and y'know. And they were saying the same, kinda. They didn't get demonstrated against! For me, it seemed like ... It felt like a way of racism, y'know? Just because he was white they went against him, I thought of it that way." I replied, nodding to Jacob.

"Yes, about that. Did you ever feel like an outcast because of your skin-color?" Jacob turned to Marshall again.

"All the time, man. I've always had coloured friends, if you can say it like that. It never was kinda a problem that I was white until I went to rap battles and stuff like that. And of course when I started to get attention from the media and people started to notice me on the streets, it was hard in the beginning..."

"I'm sorry if I push some buttons now, but Proof."


"He was your best friend, did he ever doubt you?" I looked over at him and he simply shook his head, he was certain of this and it made kinda emotional. Let's blame the hormones...

"Never, it was something in me he found, that made him believe in me and he pushed me to become who I am today. He never doubted me, and I am so grateful for that. If I hadn't met Proof, I wouldn't have met Jessica and I would never been here." He said and kissed my hand with a brief smile.

High On Love #2 (English)Where stories live. Discover now