This is awkward...

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"Okay ... I'll tell her. Yeah, I have some ideas, y'know. Okay, bye." Marshall hung up as I woke up in his arms. I put my head on his chest and smiled up at him. "Did I wake you?" He brushed my hair away from my face, I nodded.

"Yeah, who was it?" I smiled and stroked his cheek.

"Dre. You know those short films I have on the start of every concert?"

"Yeah..?" I asked and started to get some ideas about what this was about.

"Well, we gotta start filming and I got some ideas ... I was thinking ...You wanna be in it?"

"YES!" I said quickly and smiled embarrassed when I saw he jumped of my response.

"And, if you would like to come on stage with me on a couple of songs ..?" I reacted quickly and hugged him. He laughed and stroked my back. "So ... That a yes ??" 

"Yes!! Yes, you idiot!!" I kissed him on the cheek and hugged him. He chuckled.

"Okay, we need to plan some stuff, before the tour." He pushed me away smiling and kissed me lightly, he TRIED to kiss me lightly ... I pulled him against me and laid down on the bed so he was lying over me. "Okay, we have it your way..." He smiled and kissed me just as deeply. 

I brought my hands over his back, the scars were completely gone now, and I was happy they were. I didn't want to be reminded of the terrible sight that met me at the emergency room that night.

I kissed him harder, he pulled me against him and I could feel his arms embrace me. 

Suddenly we heard the bedroom door being opened and we both jumped away from each other. Marshall jumped so much that he fell out of bed and looked up from the edge of the bed with tousled hair and wild eyes. I covered myself with the sheet quickly before I turned toward the doorway where Dre stood with big eyes.

"Holy shit, I'm so sorry! I should've knocked..." He exclaimed and covered his face. Marshall got an annoyed glance and stared hard at Dre.

"You think ??" He said annoyed and pulled his hair.

"Sorry, Marshall ... Sorry, Jessica ..." He sent me an apologetic glance.

"It's okay ... Could you go out, so we can get dressed ..?" I asked and looked at him embarrassed. He got big eyes and blushed cheeks.

"OH! Of course! Uhm ..." He took the door handle and was about to close the door. "I'll be in the living room ... And .. Uhm." He sent us another apologetic glance and closed the door. I turned to Marshall when he stood up from the floor.

"We should start to lock the door ..." I laughed. He chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. Sounds smart ..." He laughed with me and went over to the wardrobe to find some clothes. Just as he opened the closet, the door opened once again. Marshall jumped behind the door and peeped out to see who it was, while I covered myself with the sheet once again.

"Dad, Dre is---" She looked strangely at us both and met Marshall's gaze questioningly. "Why're you ... Oh god ... Are you ..?" Haillie looked at Marshall and then at me.

"I know Dre is in the living room ... Uhm, yeah ... I was just in the shower, so I need to change ..." He answered. Okay... What have I been doing then, smartass? She isn't stupid...

"Okay, Okay ... Uhm, I was just .... This is awkward ... Okay byeee!" She quickly closed the door and Marshall leapt forward from the door and locked it.

"Really awkward ..." he said and started to get dressed. I nodded and went to the closet to get dressed, I put on what I found. 

An EMINEM-shirt and jeans. I put up my hair and walked toward the door. Marshall was only wearing some pants and took my hand in his as we walked out of the room. I couldn't help but check him out. I mean ... GOD !! HELLO!

We went downstairs and met Dre's gaze.

"Good, you're both dressed. We need to start planning, we're leaving in two weeks. Okay, tell me more about your ideas, Marshall ..." Dre said as if nothing had happened. Marshall began to explain the ideas he had for the short "movie" and where we were gonna film. I couldn't trick myself to not look at his perfect body... Don't look at me like that ... I'm a girl! HE'S SHIRTLESS FOR GOD SAKE! OF COURSE I LOOK!

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