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The show had begun long ago, we sat in the front row and Rihanna sat next to me. Marshall held my hand in his the whole time and when it finally began to approach the award ceremony for "Best Male" I smiled from ear to ear when a camera man appeared beside us. Marshall sat back in his chair and closed his eyes.

"Wake me up when it's over ... I'm tired." He said grumpy, I struck him in the shoulder playfully and he opened his eyes in a big sigh.

"The award for "Best Male" goes to a, ironically, a guy that has had a big impact or success on the world this year. This years nominees are:

Justin Bieber,

50 Cent,


and Eminem.

So, without further adue, I'm gonna open the envelope."

"I hope Marshall win, goddamn ..." Rihanna whispered to me smiling, I met her gaze.

"Me too, but he really does hate public speaking." I said and looked to the stage again, Rihanna laughed briefly and looked up on the stage with a slight smile.

"And the winner, of "Best Male" goes to ..." He opened the envelope and got a surprised look. "EMINEM!" I looked over at Marshall, who looked at me, I looked back at him. He coughed softly and stood up from his chair and jogged onto the stage to a great ovation. He shook hands with James, who was giving out the award, and looked toward the crowd.

"Wow ..." He said, the audience cheered louder, I whistled at him loudly. I laughed when he met my gaze surprised. "Okay ... I, uhm. I came prepared for this, so I have a speech ... Kinda ..." he said and took up the little crumpled paper in his pocket. He looked down on the note card, looked at the audience and curled the paper together again and met my gaze quickly. "You see, I really didn't think I'd win this award ... For real, so I wrote a speech, actually I didn't write a speech but ... Uhm, let's see ... I wanna thank the fans! First of all, you're awesome! And Dre." I heard a familiar cheers behind me and turned around to a smiling Dre. I laughed briefly and looked over at Marshall again. "I wanna thank Aftermath, everyone in the Shady-famliy and... My two lovely babies, Matthew and Angel." Everyone cheered loudly at that one. "And of course, my wife, Jessica. I love you all, thank you!" He said and walked off the stage in applause, sat down in his chair and gave me the award after I kissed him quickly.

"Oh my god, it's heavy!" I said, and tossed it around in my hands.

"That's what she said ..." He said quietly, Rihanna released a short laugh herself and laughed with me when I realized what he meant.

"Shut up you nasty-ass!" I laughed.


I swear, awards are much funnier on TV ... This is so fucking BORING !! Like really though, it's waiting, smiling, clapping then you reapeat it all throughout the evening, unless you win of course.

I turned to Rihanna and tapped her on the shoulder, she met my gaze.

"You're bored, aren't you?" She laughed, I nodded a little shocked that she guessed correctly.

"Yeah.How?" I laughed, she shook her head and raised her shoulders.

"It's really not that cool in real life, as you've probably noticed." She smiled, I laughed briefly and turned to Marshall. He turned to me and took my hand in his, he looked into my eyes and kissed my hand.

What do you want..? I thought with a critical smile, he winked at me and leaned to my ear.

"You bored?" He whispered seductively, I got big eyes.

"Marshall, not here ..." I said quietly and took my hand in his, entwined our fingers together.

He laughed briefly and kissed me quickly before he met my gaze again.

"I'm boooored ..." He groaned low, yawned and leaned his head against the seat back quietly.

"And the winner of this years "Best Collab" goes to ..." Jay-Z presented the award and opened the envelope. Me, Marshall and Rihanna looked up, we had come that far already? Guess who isn't paying attention ... Jay opened the envelope and looked up with a grin. "The Monster by Eminem and Rihanna !!" He shouted and everyone cheered, Rihanna jumped up from her chair smiling, while Marshall almost barely managed to get out of his...

Rihanna grabbed his hand and he walked after her up on stage, the audience cheered and I smiled at them when they both met my gaze and lined up in front of the microphone, Rihanna held the price, while Marshall was standing beside her with his hands in his pocket .

"I really don't know what to say! Oh my god !! I can't believe we won !!" She jumped up and down in ecstasy, while the contrast stood behind her watching ... I smiled quietly when I met his gaze. "---and of course Dr. Dre! Uhm ... Did I forget anyone ??" She turned to Marshall, he was looking at me admiringly and I smiled big to him. "Marshall ?? Heeellooo ??" Rihanna waved in front of him until he reacted. I read on his lips, he said 'Huh?', Hahaha! The whole audience laughed as he walked up to the microphone.

"You thank Dre?" He asked, the audience laughed again and I felt several glances in my neck. I didn't dare turn around to see who it was ....

"Yes, I did ..." She chuckled and looked at me, I met her gaze and gave her the thumbs up.

"Okay, I guess ... Thank you? Did you say that?" She shook her head, he turned more certain towards the audience again. "Thank you!" He said and hugged Rihanna before they both left the stage.

High On Love #2 (English)Where stories live. Discover now