Hush Little Baby

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I woke with a shock and was going to get me up to calm down Matthew, but Marshall got me first ... Once again.

He stood up and walked over to the small bed where Matthew was lying and he picked him up in a yawn.

"Go back to sleep, Jessica ... I'll take him ..." he yawned again and met my gaze tired, it was the 3rd time this night and I hadn't calmed down Matthew once! I looked at Marshall and I saw he was sick tired, and if it was anything I knew about him, was that he would be completely insane grumpy and pissed in the morning if he didn't get enough sleep ...

"Marshall, I'll take him. You go to sleep ..." I said and got up, Marshall yawned again and nodded briefly before he kissed Matthew on his forehead and gave him to me before falling down in the bed. I laughed briefly and met the blue eyes of Matthew smiling. He was still crying, but began to calm down when he was put up to my chest. "Hi baby, why are you awake now? Aren't little boys like you supposed to sleep by now?" I whispered softly, he sobbed against me and it looked like another round of tears were coming. I shushed him smiling and rocked him back and forth slowly in my arms while I began to sing softly. "Hush little baby, don't you cry. Everything's gonna be alright. Stiffer up that upperlip, little soldier, I told ya. Mama's here to hold ya through the night ... I know daddy's sleeping now, and we all know why. We feel how we feel inside, it may seem a little crazy, little baby. But I promise, dada's gonna be alright ..." I sang smiling, I laughed at what I came up with on the spot for myself when I put a sleepy Matthew back into the little bed. I took a quick look at my little princess lying in the little bed beside him and smiled to myself, she looked like a perfect little angel as she lay completely quiet during under her pink covers...


"Haaaay Gurl !! I haven't heard from you in a while, what have you been up to ??" Asked Rihanna smiling, I sighed into the phone smiling before I responded.

"Naaah... Nothing much, just the usual ... Had kids and stuff like that, nothing special ..." I said sarcastically and it was like a light was turned on at the other end!

"OMG !! I totally forgot about that !! You had twins didn't you !! That is so cute !! What's their names ??" She asked, she'd clearly talked to Marshall... Haha!

"They're adorable! Her name is Angel Sophie and his name is Matthew Bruce ..." I said and tickled Angel on her stomach, she laughed and brought her little hands to mine and took a firm grip around my index finger. I laughed and kissed her little hand.

I sat on the sofa, with Angel and Matthew lying next to me, they were playing together! They were so cute that it was to die for !!

I turned my attention towards the stairs when I heard a door open on the upper floor and smiled when I realized it had to be Marshall.

"Gotta go, Robyn... Bye!"

"Bye girl, don't be stranger again !!" She laughed.

"I won't, bye."


I smiled at the sight as he came down the stairs in sweatpants, tousled hair and shirtless while he yawned. He met my gaze and smiled at me happily until his eyes fell on the kids in front of me.

"Hiiiiii!" He said smiling and trotted over to the couch and sat down beside them so they were between us. He tickled their small feet as they laughed out loud, Marshall looked up and met my gaze smiling. "I love you ...." He said peacefully and with a big smile on his face, I smiled back at him and stroked him through his tousled hair while I looked into his blue eyes.

"I love you too." I smiled wider and kissed him lightly before we both started to tickle Angel and Matthew so much that they laughed so loud that it made an echo throughout the room.

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