Haillie Jade...

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Marshall drove up the driveway and parked the car in the garage. He leaned toward me smiling and kissed me lightly, but none of us wanted to stop. The kiss became deeper and deeper, I brought my hands up to his hair and brought my fingers through it. He brought his hands down my waist and held me close to him. I smiled and came up with a way to bring him in on, fast.

"Should we ... go ... upstairs?" I said between the kiss, he smiled and pulled me out of the driver's side and carried me toward the entrance. He unlocked the door without breaking the kiss, closing the door behind us and pushed me into the wall. I opened my eyes and saw Haillie standing behind us with raised eyebrows and big eyes. I raised my index finger against her and showed her sign to wait a bit. I pushed Marshall smiling away and met his gaze.

"Stop, Marshall." I said.

"Why? You on your period?"

"What? NO! No, no, no, nooooo ...."

"Then I don't see any problems ..." He leaned in and started kissing my neck. I saw Haillie massaging her temples and looked down.

"No ... Marshall, turn around ..." I said smiling.

"I'm kind of busy ..." He kissed my neck harder.

"FOR GODS SAKE MARSHALL! YOUR DAUGHTER IS RIGHT THERE !!" I said when I saw no other way out. 

He didn't react at first and continued to kiss me, before his sprockets lodged in his head began to work and he got big eyes and turned around very quickly.

"HAILLIE !! Oh my GOD, Haillie ... Damn... How long have you been standing there..?"

"Uuuhm ... Long enough... 10 minutes maybe?" She said, pretending she vomited. "You REALLY need-to learn to take a hint ... Siriously? Are you on your period?" She said and made her voice as deep as possible.

"Yeeeah ... Sorry ... But, that was a hint ??"

"Yeah ?? Turn around???"

"Yeah, but I WAS busy! Haillie, you saw that I was busy!"

"Okay, Dad! Don't bring me in this conversation! Can we please talk about something else !?" Haillie said, Marshall laughed and hugged Haillie with a smile. But this smile was quickly turned upside down. 

"Haillie Jade ... Why on EARTH did you take Valium ?? How did you even consider and came up with it ??"

"You, you used it when you and mom had problems !! LIKE ALL THE TIME!" She raised her voice.

"Haillie, I grew up with that !! I didn't know what it did to my body before it almost were too late!"

"I grew up with it too!"

"I know, and I'm so sorry ... But you of all people should know what pills do with you!" Tears started to flow from his eyes now, the same with Haillie. "I Almost DIED, Haillie! By that overdose! YOU found me on the floor!"

"WHAT IF I WANTED TO DIE !!??" Marshall stopped and looked at her daughter with a hurt look.

"You .. ARE YOU OUT YOUR MIND ???" Now even my tears flowed and I looked at Haillie with big eyes full of tears.

"NO! I'm not, I--"

"YOU'RE NOT !? YOU OVERDOSED, HAILLIE !! YOU COULD'VE DIED !!" Haillie began to cry and sob now. "I could've lost you, Haillie ... We could've lost you ... Have you any idea how it felt to get that call from Dre?" Marshall looked Haillie straight in the eye with wounded, painful eyes. Haillie looked straight at her father and shook her head. "I'll never forget the feeling ... Just picture it, your child isn't even in the same country as you ..." His voice trembled. "You get a call from your best friend who tells you that your daughter--" His voice cracked at the end. "That your daughter is lying in a coma at the hospital because she took an overdose of the same pills that almost killed yourself ... Of the same pills that you took everyday, but didn't mean to do it so she saw it..." He met the eyes of Haillie again, his eyes were completely red and glistening with tears.

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