Guess who's back!

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"GUESS WHO'S BACK!" We heard from the front door and we both jumped up from the couch in unison to greet her at the door.

"HAILLIE !!" We yelled and hugged our little blonde smiling. Marshall smiled from ear to ear when we let go of the hug and met her gaze.

"How was the trip? What did you do?" He asked and picked up the bag she had packed with him into the living room.

"It was awesome !! THANK YOU FOR L ME GO WITH HER !! I love you so much, you are the best dad ever!" She said and hugged him, he got big eyes and chuckled as he put his arms around her.

"Hehe, I love you too, baby." He smiled and let go around her after a while. I smiled at the sight, their relationship are the cutest!

She let go around him and ran to me as she struck out her arms smiling.

"I love you so much, thank you!" She said, I laughed and hugged her back while I watched Marshall who smiled at us both.

"I love you too, Haillie." I smiled and kissed her head slightly before I hugged around her. She eventually let go and shook loose a little.

"Ah, it's so good to be home! Oh, by the way. Remember I won't be home on friday, I'm at moms remember?" She pointed at Marshall.

"You know, I actually remembered that."

"Wow! You remembered ?? OH MY GOD !!" She smiled, Marshall looked at her with playful glance before he jumped toward her.

"Hey, If I'm stupid ... What are you ??" He chuckled, I met Haillie's gaze.

"The opposite?" She laughed and Marshall jumped to her and lifted her into the air,  he wore a t-shirt so I saw his muscles tighten as he lifted her up, oh my god, those bice--Sorry... I said sorry !!

"You hungry?" I asked when Marshall put Haillie down again, she was still laughing when she met my gaze and shook her head.

"We just ate ..." She struck Marshall on his arm playfully. He pretended he got very hurt and clung to his arm as he groaned. I started laughing when Haillie slapped him again just as playfully and Marshalll groaned even more vulnerable and fell on his knees and held up his hands.

"I surrender! I won't do it again!" He said, and met my gaze with a small smile before he went into the role again and looked at Haillie. She looked down at him with a chuckled when she asked.

"What did you do?" She laughed, he groaned and wound up again.

"I'm crazy!" He stood up and tickled Haillie on her belly, she burst out laughing and fell on the floor laughing. Kicking with both legs and arms in full volume laughing. Poor girl !!

"Dad! Dad!" She laughed and held her hands securely towards him with a stern look. "I'm soon 16 ... I'm too old for this ..." She sat up and met my gaze before she took the bag on her back and walked toward the stairs.

"What was--" Marshall asked when Haillie suddenly jumped on his back.

"Got ya!" She laughed, seriously! They're so adorable !! Oh my God!

"Ah, you're heavy, you weren't this heavy last time !!" He laughed and leaned back as she stood on the floor. She laughed and met his gaze.

"I was 11 the last time ..." she said and kissed him on the cheek.

"Really? You're getting old ..." he said with a sly smile.

"Well, If I am ... It won't be visible if I have your genes..." She said, I nodded in agreement and met Marshall's gaze questioning.

"Yeah, how do you do that?" I asked.

"I don't do anything except from bleaching my hair now and then, but that's it!" He posed for us with a grin. "I'm sorry for being such a scientifically wonder ..". He stuck hos tongue out at us. Haillie laughed a short laugh before she walked up the stairs.

"I'm going to bed, I'm sooo tired ..." She yawned down towards us, we nodded to her and I blowed some kisses to her.

"Night!" We yelled and fell down on the couch together.


"I'm so tired ..." I groaned and fell into the bed yawning. Marshall chuckled before I felt someone sat down beside me.

"It's only 8:30 pm?" He said, I looked up and looked at the clock on the nightstand.

"Really? Damn ... We've gotta stop with ... y'know ..." I said and put my head into the pillow again.

"The what?" He asked, I groaned tired.

"The Sex ... I'm so exhausted!" I groaned, he laughed briefly before I could feel his hands stroking my back slowly.

"You're not the one who does all the work, though ..." He began massaging my back quietly. It felt so good right now, I felt that I got more and more sleepy of his soft touch ...

"Oh, just shut up ... You're rough so it's exhausting for me as well ..." I said.

"I thought you liked me rough ..." he said and I felt his hands went up under my t-shirt.

"What're you doing ..?" I asked sleepily.

"Just looking at the tattoo ..." He answered, suuuure ... 

"Yeah, sure. Is it only a coincidence that my ass is directly under it?" I asked wise, he chuckled to and exhaled before I felt his lips tenderly on my shoulder. I smiled quietly.

"Of course, just a big coinsidence ..." he said softly and stroked my back quietly while he kissed me on the shoulder.

"Marshall ... You're literally being a pain in the ass right now ..."

"Bad choice of words ..." He continued quietly.

"Ah ... I'm tired, can you do me a favor?" I asked tired and turned around so I lay on my back and met his gaze.

"Anything. What is it?" He asked, he was being so hot right now, but I was also sooo tired right so it didn't go up ...

"Rap for me?" I asked, he kissed me on the forehead.

"What do you want me to rap then?" He asked and lay down in the bed next to me without dropping my gaze.

"Stronger than I was ..?"

"I can't promise that you'll fall asleep though, I can't sing ..."

"Yes you can, just not as Beyoncé...."

"Okay ..." He chuckled. "You used to say, that I'd never be ... Nothing without you, well I believe. I'm shot in the lungs, I gasp, I can't breathe. Just lay here with me, baby hold me please. "

He put his arms around me while he whispered into my ear. I closed my eyes.

"And I beg, and I pleade, drop to knees, and I'd cry and I'd scream; Baby, please don't leave! Snatch the keys from your hand, I would squeeze. And you'd laugh and you'd tease. You're just fucking with me. And you must hate me, why do you date me if you say I make you sick? And you've had enough of me, I smother you, I'm bout to jump off the edge "

I stroked his upper arm, he shushed me quietly and kissed me on the cheek.

"But you won't break me, you just make me stronger than I was. Before I met you, I bet I'll be just fine without you. And if I stumble, I won't crumble. I'll get back up and uhhh. And I'mma still be humble when I scream ... "He stopped singing, I turned toward him and met his gaze. He looked at me with a soft glance.

"I love you...." He said, and kissed me on the lips before he continued to sing. "... Fuck you! Cause I'm stronger than I was..."


Loved writing this chapter :3

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