You are HUGE, sweetie!

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"Nerves again?" Granny giggled as soon as she opened the door.

We had decided to visit Grandma again, we had visited her a lot lately when I really felt that I dread of giving birth...

"Yeah ..." I said and sent her a wry smile as we walked into the living room, I held Marshall's hand and met his gaze when I turned around to sit down on the sofa. He smiled easily to me and sat down right next to where I sat. He smiled at Anne when she came walking in with some tea to us both.

"Tea, it calms the nerves." She said, and put the cup in front of us, Marshall smiled and shook his head.

"I don't need to calm my nerves ..." he said smiling, but grandma put the cup in front of him while she nodded firmly.

"You need this, son! You may have gone through this before, but the men usually have more nerves than us girls when it come to this! So shut it and drink up!" She said and patted him on the shoulder and filled the cups of steaming hot water. She put the little box with different kinds of tea in front of us so we could choose and put a cup of sugar on the table before she sat down above us. "What kind of nerves is it today then? OH! Have you checked yet ?? Is it a he or a she ???" She said smiling, I felt his gaze drill into my side. I shook off the feeling smiling and shook my head.

"No, we 've agreed that we shall wait and see!" I said smiling.

"You've." Marshall corrected and sipped some tea by the cup with his eyes on me. I beat him easily in the side and met his eyes briefly.

"Ah, that's sweet! But, anyways! What are your nerves today?" She asked again, I coughed to answer, but Marshall got me first.

"She realised that the baby in the HUGE belly is gonna come out somehow, and that it was only one month left." He said, she chuckled and met my gaze soothingly.

"It's nothing to worry about, sweetie! When I had your mom, I was just as big as you and I was terrified that it would, excuse my language, hurt like hell! BUT ... I was very surprised actually, it didn't hurt! I felt it, of course, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!" She winked, I felt immediately much better and felt Marshall squeazing my hand. Grandma let go of my gaze and looked over at him. "And you, son ... When you had Haillie, a beautiful little lady by the way." She began.

"Thanks." He said with a smile.

"When you had Haillie, how nervous on a scale from 1 to 10 were you?"

"15, I think I passed out a couple of times ..." He answered honestly.

"Then I won't be surprised if you pass out a couple of times this time as well. Be honest with yourself, okay Marshall? Look at her..." She said, Marshall looked at me. "Are you nervous? Now be honest! There are no one to impress in this room!"

"No one?" I asked critical and sent him a little smile.

"Okay, you don't count. First time you saw that man, you were impressed to the moon and back again ..."

"True ..." I agreed and let out a short laugh while I stroked my belly quietly..

"In might be a little nervous ... Okay, Anne?" He smiled. "Are you happy with that?" He laughed.

"Goddamn, you're nervous!" She exclaimed and shaking her head at me. "Don't you worry about yourself, darling! You should worry about him !!" She laughed and winked at Marshall, he leaned back in the couch and sent me some brief glance while his leg shook  uneasy under the table.

Damn, he was nervous ...

High On Love #2 (English)Where stories live. Discover now