The Hotel

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When we landed in New York, a limo drove us straight to the hotel and our bags were placed in the room when we walked into the lobby to let them know we'd arrived. It was kinda obvious we'd arrived because an army of fans had gathered outside the hotel and blocked the road, but we got safely in the hotel which was locked behind us. ¨

We looked at each other, breathed a sigh of relief and went to the counter to write us in. The woman behind the counter looked up and put on a huge grin when she saw us.

"Welcome back Mr. Mathers! And this must be Mrs. Mathers!" She said, nodding toward me. I smiled friendly back.

"Call me Jessica." I replied, I liked to be called Mrs. Mathers of course, but she seemed so nice and friendly to us, so it seemed right.

"What a gorgeous name! I will remember that." She nodded at me before she turned her eyes back to Marshall. "The room is ready for you, Mr. Mathers." Marshall nodded and smiled back at her, I could clearly see she was shocked, but played it away fast. When we turned around to go to the elevator, I heard her whisper to her colleague;

"He smiled at me !! OMG !!" Then I heard no more, cause the elevator doors closed and both myself and Marshall burst out laughing.

"He smiled at me!" I mocked with a squeaky voice.

"OMG!" He returned and made his voice as light as he could . We laughed so long, that we both had to avoid eye contact when we walked out of the elevator to our room to not laugh again. As soon as we came in through door andour glances met, we began to laugh once again.

When we finally stopped laughing, I got to look around the room and HOLY FUCK how big it was! I got big eyes when I saw that we had a balcony, a giant TV, a stereo and inside the bathroom, we had a private jacuzzi !! Heeeeeey...

I ran into the bedroom and saw an insanely large four-poster bed with hundreds of pillows in the middle of the room. I jumped into bed adn buried my face in the pillows first, I sank deeper and deeper. I turned around smiling in bed, I was going to sleep like an angel in the night! Marshall smiled at me before he did the same and landed beside me.

"You like the room?" He asked and hugged me while he kissed me on my forehead.

"I love it! Was it expensive?" I asked immediately. Marshall let out a short laugh before answering.

"We're not paying for this, MTV does! Jesus..." He laughed and lay down in bed. I breathed a sigh of relief and nearly fell asleep, but then there was a knock at the door. I stood up quickly.

"I'll get it." I said, and ran to the door and opened it. There stood a camera team and a lady smiling.

"Mrs. Mathers? We're MTV and we will interview you in this hotel room. May we come in?"

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