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E - Exercise

Connie woke up at five thirty and got dressed into her running shorts, sports bra with a vest top over it and a pair of Nike Trainers.
She tied back her hair, applied a small amount of makeup before filling up her water bottle and putting her headphones in.
She left the house and ran to the park which she started to do laps around. She was on her second lap when she recognised the figure infront of her.

She sped up until she reached him then she ran infront of him and turned around so she was slowly jogging backwards.
Jacob pulled his headphones out and stopped then looked her up and down.
"Woah, good morning to you too Mrs B" he said smirking as she stopped too.
"Good morning staff nurse masters" Connie said with a smile.
"What are you doing here sweetcheeks?" Jacob asked.
"I'm here for a swim" Connie said sarcastically.
"I think you're a bit over dressed for that, I could help you with that problem" Jacoh told her.
"Oh could you muscles?" Connie asked flirtatiously.
"Very much so" Jacob replied stepping closer to her.

Connie looked Jacob up and down, seeing him in his tight running shorts was driving her crazy, she looked up at his lips, oh how she wanted to kiss them.
"Fancy a race over to the gate staff nurse masters?" She asked him.
"That depends, if I win, what do I get?" Jacob asked.
"Maybe I'll let you help me with my problem" Connie replied.
"In that case you're on Mrs B" Jacob said with a grin then he stepped forward to meet her whilst she turned around.
"Three, two, one, go" Connie shouted then they both sprinted off towards the gate.

Jacob was ahead but only by a few meters but that all changed when he heard Connie scream from behind him. He stopped and turned around to check if she was ok which she was, and she sprinted fast him quickly.
"I'm gonna get you for that one Queen Bee" he shouted as she chased after her but she carried on going at an extremely fast pace.
She reached the fence a few seconds before he did the turned around grinning at him.
"Aah looks like I won't be undressing you after all Mrs B, good exercise though" he said with a smile.
"Very, although I could use some more" Connie said.
"Where too this time?" he asked her.
"Just kiss me Jacob" Connie said then she grabbed his t-shirt pulling him closer to her then their lips collided.
Jacob's hands went to Connie's waist and hers went to his neck as their tongues explored each other's mouth until they could no longer breathe.
Jacob rested his forehead against Connie's, "mine or yours?" he whispered.
"Mine, I'll race you" Connie said then she kissed him one more time before sprinting off out of the park.

Jacob and Connie arrived at Connie's at the same time since they had decided to run along side each other.
Connie unlocked the door then Jacob followed her inside and straight up to her bedroom.
Jacob pushed Connie down onto the bed after they kicked their shoes off then he climbed on top of her and pulled his t-shirt over his head.
"Are you sure about this?" He asked her.
"Fuck me" Connie said before she kissed him again.
Jacob smiled against her mouth then pulled down her shorts revealing her pink thong.
Her hands went to the rim of his shorts then she pulled them down too  then they both kicked them off letting them fall to the floor.

The rest of their clothes were removed then Connie clasped her hand in Jacob's as he slid into her.
"Aaaah, oh Jacob" Connie moaned as he started to thrust in and out of her.
"Fuck" Jacob muttered feeling her tightening around his hard length.
"Harder" Connie groaned to which Jacob complied making their moans louder and louder until they both came together and collapsed side by side.
"Oh my god, that was amazing" Connie panted.
"Best exercise I've ever had" Jacob replied trying to catch his breath.
Connie cuddled up to him and he wrapped his arms around her waist, "I love you queen bee" he said softly.
"I love you too muscles" Connie replied with a smile.

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