All Your Fault

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Jacob was sleeping peacefully when he felt something soft hit his head.
He groaned then moved slightly as Connie began to shout.
"Get your arse out of bed Jacob! It's all your fault!" she shouted.
"Come back to bed con" he muttered.
"No! It's all your fault!" She shouted before hitting him with pillow again.
"Con I love you but please, piss off I'm tired" he groaned.
"You don't have a right to be tired because it's all your fault!" She screamed.
Jacob rolled over and opened one eye, "what's all my fault? Can't you shout at me when I'm more awake?" he asked sleepily.
"No I'm shouting at you now because this is all your fault!" She shouted as she held something up.

Jacob opened his other eye checking that his mind wasn't playing tricks on him.
He instantly sat up as she was glaring at him.
"Babe, is that a pregnancy test?" he asked although he already knew the answer.
"Oh it's not just any pregnancy test Jacob, it's a positive pregnancy test" Connie told him.
"Right, I see why you might blame me but you do realise that sex, which is what happened to put us in this position, required both of us right?" Jacob said.
"Yes Jacob I'm a surgeon, I'm not stupid" she snapped.

"Connie sit down, let's talk about this" he said.
"I can't believe this Jacob! We were careful! But still because of you with your stupid super sperm I'm pregnant! See it is all your fault!" She shouted.
"You're the one that's clearly super fertile so it isn't just my fault! Connie I don't see why you're reacting so badly to this, it's a baby!" Jacob said.
"I've already got one daughter, what makes you think I'd want another one?
Do you honestly think we've got the time to raise a baby, I love Grace to pieces and if I lost her again it would kill me, I can't go through that and I certainly can't raise another baby with the chance that he or she will hate me too" she told him.

Jacob took Connie's hand in his and pulled her down onto the bed.
"Connie we'll make the time, I love you and I'm not going to leave you to do this on your own. Grace loves being back, and from how happy she seems I'd say she's staying put, she doesn't hate you and this baby isn't going to either. You're a good mum Connie, and I'm going to try my best to be a good dad, we can do this. Together" he explained.
"I'm scared Jay, I'm scared I'll mess it all up again" Connie said.
"You aren't going to mess it up sweetcheeks, yeah it may be hard at times but we can do it, we can raise Grace and our baby together like a proper family. Connie I love you" Jacob said.
"I love you too muscles" Connie said.

Jacob wrapped his arms around her waist, "so are you ready to do this? To raise our baby?" he asked her.
"Yes, just promise me you're never going to leave me" Connie said as she rested her head on his shoulder.
"I'm never going to leave you baby, I promise you" Jacob said.
"Good, although I still think it's all your fault" she said with a giggle.
"Hmm why doesn't that suprise me, can I go back to sleep now con? It's 4am" Jacob said.
"But your awake now, I'm sure there's something much more productive you could be doing with your time. After all I'm already pregnant" Connie said.
Jacob growled slightly then pulled her down on top of him and attached his lips to hers.

Credit to Connie-Masters for the idea of blaming Jacob! X

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