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R - Rain

Connie stood outside the ED leaning against the wall letting the rain cascade over her and the tears flow down her cheeks.
She had just lost her patient, an eight year old girl who had been hit by a car.
Everytime she had looked at the girl who was utterly helpless she couldn't help thinking what if it was Grace, she knew she shouldn't of but she just couldn't help it, she missed her daughter so much.
"Connie?" Jacob asked softly as he walked over to her and gently placed his hand on her shoulder.
Connie instantly wiped the tears away and smiled at him, acting as if nothing was wrong.

"Yes Jacob, am I needed?" Connie asked him.
Jacob shook his head the pulled her into a hug which she instantly accepted then began to cry into his shoulder.
"Sssh, it's ok sweetcheeks" he whispered.
"No Jacob it's not! Why I am like this, ten years I've worked in Holby and now, I suddenly can't deal with the death of a patient" Connie sobbed.
"You're missing Grace, and that's ok, you're allowed to feel emotion, to let it all out everyone once in a while" Jacob told her.
"But" she started but Jacob cut her off.
"No buts sweetcheeks, why don't you come inside?" He suggested.

Connie shook her head, "no, I like the rain, Grace loves it, she used to stand outside in it dancing around, and there was nothing I could say to convince her otherwise" she said.
"Ok, atleast sit down" Jacob said then he led her to the bench and wrapped his arms around her shoulder.
"Thank you Jacob" Connie said.
"What for?" he asked her.
"For being here for me" Connie told him.
"I'll always be here for you Queen Bee, don't you forget that" Jacob replied.
Connie smiled, "I won't muscles" she said.

Jacob pulled Connie closer then gently kissed her forhead causing her to smile again.
"You're beautiful Connie" he told her.
Connie laughed slightly, "and you staff nurse masters are very much blind" she said.
"Not one for accepting compliments Mrs B? Because I think my vision is perfectly fine" he said.
"I think you need an eyetest" Connie told him.
"Nope, that's you, the one that can't see her own beauty" Jacob said before gently wiping the tears and raindrops from her cheek.

Connie looked up at Jacob then lent in closer to him. He moved closer to her too then gently their lips met.
Jacob's hands cupped Connie's face as she broke his lips with her tongue letting it roam her mouth.
The rain started to come down heavier drenching them completely but they didn't seem to care as they explored each other's mouths until they could no longer breathe.
"I love you" Connie said as she tried to blink back the tears.
"I love you too Connie" Jacob replied before tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
"Let's go inside Jacob, I've changed my mind, I prefer the warmth of my office" Connie said before standing up.
Jacob smiled, "thought you might, come on" he said before wrapping his arm around her waist as they headed back inside.

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