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Connie arrived home from work to be greated by Jacob who handed her a glass of red wine.
She smiled nervously and put her bag down before following him into the kitchen.
"So for dinner would you prefer shellfish or pizza?" he asked.
"Pizza" Connie said quickly without any hesitation.
"Ok" Jacob said whilst biting his lip to stop himself from smirking.
Connie sat down at the breakfast bar purposely pushing her wine away from her whilst Jacob put pizza in the oven.
"So tomorrow I was thinking we could take Grace to a theme park, go on some really scary rides, miles high making your stomach do flips" He said as he sat down opposite her.
"Hmm, err yeah maybe" she replied.

"Aren't you drinking your wine? I could make you some coffee instead" Jacob said.
"No! No coffee!" Connie said quickly.
Jacob eyed her suspiciously and she smiled faintly, "I've been drinking a lot of it lately, trying to cut down on my caffeine intake" she told him.
"Oh right, ok" he smirked.
"Come here" he said causing Connie to get up and walk round to him.
He pushed his chair out then pulled her onto his knee, wrapping his arms around her waist and running his hands over her stomach.
"I was thinking we should go away abroad, Spain or somewhere. In July or August" Jacob suggested.
"Oh... Err I don't know babe we have a lot going on at work" Connie replied.
"Alright" he said before kissing her temple.

"I just thought, we have decaf coffee if you want it" he said.
"No thank you, I'm ok" Connie replied with a small smile.
"Alright, fancy going out tomorrow night? Grace is at her friends so it's the perfect time to have a night out, well and truly drunk?" Jacob suggested.
"We could go out but I'm not so sure about the drunk part" she said.
"Is that just not getting drunk tomorrow or is this more the next seven months?" he asked.
Connie put down her piece of pizza and looked at him intently, "do you know?" she asked.
"I know a lot of things sweetcheeks, depends what you think you know I know" Jacob grinned.

"But do you know that I know what you know?" She asked.
"Nah you've lost me now babe" he told her.
"Well I'll just drink my wine then" Connie said then she picked up her glass and took a big gulp.
Jacob looked at her in shock and she jumped off her stool then spat it out in the sink.
"Don't you like it? Or would it be because alcohol isn't good for pregnant women?" he asked.
Connie glared at him then chucked at towel at him, "why couldn't you just tell me that you knew?! Instead of being all weird with me?" she asked.
"Aww come on babe I was only messing with you, I wanted you to tell me! It was driving me nuts knowing but not being to talk to you about it. I thought you would of worked it out quicker to be honest, I hate shellfish, Grace doesn't really like rollercoasters, there's no way we would have decaf coffee in our house and you're terrible at being drunk because you get the worst hangovers!" he told her.

Connie carried on glaring at him and moved closer, "I hate you so much right now Jacob Masters" she said before attaching her lips to his.
He grinned into the kiss and wrapped his arms around her waist as he stood up.
Connie wrapped her legs around his waist and carried on kissing him as he moved towards the stairs but she pulled away as he got onto the first step.
"Incase you've forgotten we haven't finished eating, pregnant women can get very grouchy when they are hungry" she warned him.
Jacob moved back over to the breakfast bar whilst still carrying her then picked up another piece of pizza and handed it to her, "eat it on the way" he grinned before carrying her up the stairs.

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