Behind These Hazel Eyes

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Yes I'm aware that Connie/Amanda's eyes are green but I like the song.

Seems like just yesterday you were a part of me, I used to stand so tell, I used to be so strong. Your arms around me tight, everyone it felt so right. Un breakable like nothing could go wrong, now I can't breathe, no I can't sleep, I'm barely hanging on.

Connie smashed the photo frame to the floor before sinking to her knees. Sobs racked her body, unable to control them.
All she wanted was for her hold her and tell her that everything would be ok, that they were meant to be, but that wasn't going to happen. He'd left her, on their wedding day at the alter, no more than a text, "sorry".

Here I am once again, I'm torn into pieces, can't deny it, can't pretend, just thought you were the one. Broken up, deep inside, but you won't get to seem the tears I cried, behind these hazel eyes.

She looked up at the mirror, barely recognising the woman looking back at her, tear stained cheeks with a little mascara running down too. He had broken her. When she'd finally learnt to love and trust again, he had betrayed her. After all the secrets, hopes and dreams that they'd shared, he'd left her all alone. He had been the one thing that made her feel safe, the one person she thought she could of depended on for anything, how wrong she had been.

I told you everything, opened up and let you in. You made me feel alright for once in my life, now all that's left of me is what I pretended to be. So together, but broken up inside. Cause I can't breathe, no I can't sleep, I'm barely hanging on. Here I am once again I'm torn into pieces can't deny it, can't pretend just thought you were the one. Broken up, deep inside but you won't get to see the tears I cried, behind this hazel eyes.

She pulled off her engagement ring before wiping the tears from her cheeks and slowly pulling herself up, taking hold of the banister, composing herself and putting on the brave face. She wouldn't cry over him anymore, he wasn't worth her tears. The bottom of her dress was dirty, as she had fled the church in tears refusing a lift from anyone and ran home still in her heels which lay ruined by the front door.

Swallow me then spit me out, for hating you I blame myself. Seeing you it kills me now but I won't cry on the outside anymore, anymore. Here I am once again I'm torn into pieces, can't deny it can't pretend, just thought you were the one, broken up deep inside but you won't get to see the tears I cry, behind these hazel eyes.

Connie made her way up the stairs and into the bedroom, and as she looked around her emotions became anger. She screamed as she grabbed one of his t-shirts, having so much adrenaline that she managed to tear it apart into to pieces before throwing it to the floor.

Here I am once again, I'm torn into pieces, can't deny it, can't pretend, just thought you were the one, broken up, deep inside but you won't get to see the tears I cried.

As her phone rang she picked it up off the bed, seeing his name on her caller ID. She took a deep breath before accepting the call, ensuring to drain all emotion from her voice.
"Jacob?" she asked.
"I'm sorry" he croaked.

Behind these hazel eyes...

I apologise of there are any typing errors, my iPad is being a little shit changing each word to anything but the right one!

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