Ice Skating

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"Right darling, let me finish this email then we'll go out and do whatever you want ok?" Connie said to Grace.
"Can we go iceskating? And can Jacob come too?" Grace asked hopefully.
"Err yes I suppose I could give him the day off, do you want to go and ask him darling?" Connie said.
"Yes, thank you mummy" Grace said as she skipped out of Connie's office over to the nurses station.
Jacob came in ten minutes later after changing out of his uniform with Grace holding onto his hand.
"So I here someone wants me to come ice skating" he said.
"Well it's what Grace wants" Connie said.
"I'm just going to say goodbye to grandad Charlie" Grace said before running off again.

Connie stood up from her chair and walked towards Jacob smiling.
He wrapped his arms around her waist then kissed her gently, "she's going to get suspicious con" he said.
"And when she asks we'll tell her, I promise. I just don't know how to approach it with her so I'd rather she brought it up, I know she likes you but will she feel the same knowing we are together with a baby on the way?" Connie said.
"I'm sure it'll be fine con, but speaking of the baby, should you really be going ice skating?" Jacob asked.
"It's what Grace wants to do and I'm not going to let her down, I'll stay near the side if it makes you feel any better" she told him.
"Alright" he said before kissing her again.
Connie kissed him back, her tongue roaming his mouth as he squeezed her bum gently.
They pulled away for air and Jacob rested his forehead against Connie's, "we should go, before she comes back in" he said.
Connie nodded then kissed Jacob quickly before heading out.

They met with Grace as she came out of  Charlie's office, "ready to go darling?" she asked.
"Yes mummy" grace smiled as she took her hand.
They went out to the car then Grace climbed into the back whilst Connie and Jacob sat in the front.
"Can we have pizza after ice skating?" Grace asked.
"Of course sweetheart" Connie replied.
They took a short drive to the ice rink then went in and got their boots.
"Be careful" Jacob whispered in Connie's ear as she got on to the ice.
"I will be, I promise" she said.
"Mummy! Come into the middle with me" Grace shouted over.
Connie looked over at Jacob, "go, but we need to tell her soon con" he said.
Connie skated over to Grace then took her hand in hers as Jacob followed.

They began to skate around then went back over to the side.
Grace stopped perfectly but Connie began to wobble backwards only to be caught by Jacob.
"I think I'm going to stay by the side now sweetheart" she said.
"Ok, I'll be back in a minute" Grace said as she skated off.
"Be careful!" Connie shouted after her.
"We'll tell her at tea, I guess you're right" she said.
"Well that is a first, me being right" he said.
"Shut up Jay. Look I do love you, you know" she told him.
"I know that baby, don't ever think I don't. I love you too, more than anything in the world" Jacob replied.
"Well I guess that makes us even then" she said.

"Mummy can we go for pizza now?" Grace said as she skated over.
"Yes, come on then" Connie said.
They took their boots off then went over to the pizza restaurant.
"Table for three please" Jacob said.
They were taken to their table then ordered their food.
"Grace, Jacob and I, well we need to talk to you, we have something to tell you" Connie said as they began to eat.
"I already know mummy, I know you're together and I know you're having a baby" grace said as if it wasn't a big deal.
"What? How?" Connie asked in shock.
"Jacob stays over all the time, and one night when I was going to the bathroom I walked past your bedroom and I sort of heard you" grace said nervously.

Connie looked at Jacob as her cheeks blushed red, "grace, sweetheart I'm so sorry" she said.
"It doesn't matter mummy, I know it's going to happen" grace said.
"How did you know about the baby?" Jacob asked.
"I was looking for paper to draw on in mummy's draw and I found the photo, I'm sorry" grace admitted.
"You have nothing to be sorry for sweetheart, come and give me a hug" Connie said.
Grace got up then hugged Connie, "am I having a little brother or a little sister?" she asked.
"We don't know yet princess, we should know that in six weeks or so" Jacob said.
"Can I call you daddy? You're the baby's daddy and you're like one to me"  she said.
Jacob looked at Connie who nodded, "I'd love for you to call me daddy if that's what you want" he said.

Grace went round and hugged Jacob before going to sit back down and eat again.
"I love you" Jacob said to Connie.
"I love you too muscles" she replied before leaning over to kiss him.
"Eww mummy I'm trying to eat!" grace giggled.

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