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"Hey Grace, where's your mum?" Sam asked Grace as he walked into Connie's office.
Grace wasn't really concentrating and had no idea that Sam was even in the country so didn't think about her response too much.
"Probably eating my dads face off somewhere" she said as she carried on looking at her phone.
"Excuse me?" Sam asked.
Grace looked up and her eyes went wide, "what are you doing here?" she asked.
"I was here on some business, I decided to come to see you and talk to your mum about you coming over to New York for a few weeks" Sam said.
"Oh cool" Grace said.
"So what's this about your mum eating my face off?" Sam asked with a raised eyebrow.

Grace sighed, "I didn't mean you" she told him.
"But I'm your dad" Sam said just as the door opened again.
Jacob walked in with Connie but she instantly stepped behind him.
"Sam? What are you doing in my office, what are you doing in Holby? In the UK for that matter?" she asked.
"Hello to you too Connie" Sam said.
"Business trip, thought I'd stop by to see Grace, I was thinking she might like to come back with me for a couple of weeks" He added.
"No" Connie, Grace and Jacob said simultaneously.
"Who are you?" Sam asked.
"Jacob Masters, senior staff nurse" Jacob said.

"I can't come for a while" Grace said.
"Why not?" Sam asked.
Grace looked at Connie who stepped out from behind Jacob revealing her huge bump.
"Because her little sister is due in a month" Connie told him.
"Little sister? Jesus Christ Connie, something you forget to tell me! Who did you use to get you pregnant this time?" Sam said angrily.
"I didn't use anybody Sam, she's my husbands baby" Connie said.
"Husband! Grace is that who you were talking about as your dad? How could you?" Sam shouted.
"I'm sorry, but he's just always been there for me, it doesn't mean I don't love you because I do, but Jacob looks after me and mum in a way you didn't" Grace said.

Sam turned to face Jacob, "you? My daughter calls you dad?" he asked.
"Sam calm down" Connie warned.
"No! It's like I mean nothing to her and it's all your fault" he said as he lunged towards her.
Connie fell backwards into the door frame and Jacob grabbed her by the arm and pulled her back up.
"You ok?" he asked.
"Yes, yes I'm fine, Sam you need to leave" Connie said.
"Mum" Grace said with panicked eyes.
"I'm sorry darling but it's for the best" Connie said but Grace shook her head, "no mum, it's not that, I couldn't care less about that, but look" she said as she pointed to the floor.
Connie and Jacob both looked down to see a pool of clear liquid on the floor beneath her.

"Maternity now, Max get me a wheelchair!" Jacob shouted out of the office.
"Connie I'm so sorry, I didn't know that was going to happen" Sam said before Connie screamed out in pain.
"If anything happens to her" she panted.
"If anything happens to my little sister I'm never going to forgive you! I hate you!" Grace screamed.
"Grace come here, it's going to be ok" Connie said whilst holding her hand out for Grace.
Max brought a wheelchair over and Connie sat down whilst still holding Grace's hand.

Three hours later the baby was swaddled in a pink blanket and handed over to Connie who was crying with happiness.
"Your back may be sore for a few days from the fall and although your little girl is a bit on the small size it's nothing to worry about so you can take her home tomorrow morning" the midwife said.
"Thank you"Connie said with a smile.
"Do you want me to get Grace from outside? And tell Sam that she's ok, I honestly think he feels bad Con" Jacob said.
"Yes ok, I still hate him though, he could of hurt her" Connie said defensively.
"I know babe, but she's ok" Jacob reassured her before walking out.

"Hey Grace you can come in now, you have a beautiful baby sister, who before you ask Sam is absolutely fine" Jacob said.
"Oh thank god, I am really sorry" Sam said.
"Yeah I know that, Connie may take some convincing though" Jacob said.
"I'm going in" Grace said as she walked away.
"Congrats Jacob, and thank you for looking after Grace, she sees you as a dad to her, probably more than she sees me as one" Sam said.
"Thanks, and I love Grace like she's my own but I'm not trying to step on your toes, she'll always be your daughter. Look why don't you come in and see the baby? I'm sure Connie won't mind too much, she's oblivious to everything" Jacob told him.

Jacob walked back in followed by Sam, "Con, Sam's here to see the baby" he told her.
"Connie I'm so sorry" he said.
"I suppose it's ok, I got to meet my little girl early without any complications which is a plus side" Connie said.
"She's beautiful, does she have a name?" Sam asked as he looked down at the baby lying in Grace's arms.
Connie looked up at Jacob, "we'd discussed a few, never really decided on one though" she said.
"What did you think of?" Grace asked.
"Sophie, Ava, Daniella and Amber" Jacob said.
"I like Amber and Daniella" Grace said.
Jacob looked at Connie, "well looks like it's between them two babe" he said.
"Amber Daniella Masters" Connie said.
"Beautiful" Jacob grinned.

"I'm gonna get off now, but if you want to go out in a couple of days then just call me Gracie. Congratulations again" Sam said.
"Thanks, oh Sam, you really need to stop letting your girlfriend pick your shirts!" Connie laughed.
"I know, I should buy some new ones" he said.
Grace handed Amber over to Jacob then hugged Sam, "bye dad, say hello to Emma for me, if you have too" she giggled.
"I will, bye sweetheart" he said before walking out.
Jacob handed Amber back to Connie then wrapped his arm over the shoulder as Grace hugged him, "you ok?" he asked her.
"Yeah I'm just happy, is it ok if I go out with dad and Emma at the weekend?" she asked.
"Of course it is darling" Connie smiled at her.

"I love you mum, dad and Amber" Grace said.
"We all love you too" Jacob replied before kissing Connie's lips.
They lingered for slightly too long, their tongues roaming each other's mouths causing Grace go make gagging noises, "eww baby around! PG please" she giggled.
"You do realise how she got here right?" Jacob asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Shut up! I'm going to get a drink" Grace laughed as she left the room.
"Looks like everything's perfect" Connie said.
"Yeah, looks like it is sweetcheeks" Jacob replied.

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