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"I'm looking for Connie Beauchamp?" A man asked as he approached Zoe by the nurses station.
Zoe looked at his t-shirt and the bag in his hand, confused as to why a man from the Indian take out was looking for Connie.
"Oh I'll take that" Jacob said as he came over with the money in his hand.
The man nodded and handed the food over whilst taking the money then walked away.
"Come on Jacob I know pregnant women get cravings but she's having her food delivered here now?" Zoe asked.
"It's not for the cravings, she's thirty nine weeks now and she wants the baby out. Spicy food is supposed to help induce labour" he told her before walking into Connie's office.

She sat next to him eating the curry and sighing, "nothing, I don't feel anything other than him kicking" she said.
"Right, what else can we try?" Jacob asked.
"Exercise, let's walk around the department" Connie said as she stood up.
Jacob nodded and wrapped his arm around her waist then they began walking round.
They had been walking round for fifteen minutes when Connie stopped and sighed, "nothing again. What else can we try?" she asked.
Jacob smirked, "back to your office" he said.
Connie walked to her office linking arms with him then he locked the door and pulled down the blinds.

"What are you doing?" she asked.
"Blouse and bra off. Nipple stimulation" Jacob said.
"How do you know these methods?" Connie asked whilst doing what he said.
"Con you've been driving yourself mad for the past two weeks wanting to give birth, I've done my research" he smirked.
Connie laughed and dropped the clothes to the floor then Jacob cupped breasts.
Connie moaned slightly, her breasts being extremely sensitive, then he ran his fingers over her nipples, squeezing and twisting them gently.
"Mmm that's nice" she moaned.
Jacob laughed, "I don't think it's supposed to be nice, it's supposed to start labour which I've heard is the exact opposite of nice" he said.

Jacob carried on playing with her breasts but still nothing seemed to be happening.
"Why is nothing working!" she said in frustration.
"He'll come when he's ready babe" Jacob told her.
"But I want him out now! It's really uncomfortable carrying round this extra weight and I just want to meet him! We've tried the exercise, the bumpy car ride to work, spicy food, the nipple stimulation, the stupid tea leaves, what now?!" She said.
"There is one thing we haven't tried" he smirked.
"What?" she asked.
"Sex" he said simply.

Connie looked down, "I feel to frumpy for sex, I'd feel disgusting" she said.
"Babe you are not frumpy! You're beautiful, and you are carrying our son. It's up to you but it's known to work quite well" Jacob told her.
"Ok, I'll give it a try. But if it doesn't work then we aren't having sex again till after the birth" Connie said.
"You're the boss" Jacob said as he took down his trousers and boxers.
Connie took her trousers and underwear down too then began kissing Jacob.
"Ready?" he asked as he lined himself up against her.
She nodded and held onto his shoulders as he slowly pushed himself into her.

Connie moaned then he slowly began moving in and out of her.
"Aaah! Stop!" Connie screamed.
Jacob pulled out quickly, "what's wrong? Did I hurt you? Baby I'm so sorry" he said frantically.
"No, no, you didn't. He's coming, I'm in labour. That was a contraction" she said before groaning again.
"Wow! I'm good" Jacob grinned as he quickly put his pants back on.
"Now is not the time for jokes! Help me get my pants on!" Connie said.
Jacob helped her put them on before Connie almost keeled over screaming in pain.
"Ok let's get you a wheelchair" Jacob said as he unlocked the door then helped her out of her office.
Connie gripped onto him panting when her waters broke, "Jacob why did you talk me into sex?!" she shouted.
"You wanted to go into labour!" He said.
"Well now I wish I wasn't! This really hurts Jacob!" she screamed as Max came rushing over with a wheelchair.

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