Mother's Day

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Connie woke up as the bedroom door opened and Jacob walked in carrying a tray with Grace holding hands with Noah and Amber toddling on either side of her.
She smiled and sat up properly in bed as Jacob placed the tray on the bedside table.
He and Grace helped the twins the twins up onto the bed before getting on themselves.
"Happy Mother's Day mum" Grace said as she handed Connie a small box wrapped in pink paper.
"Mama! Mama!" Amelia giggled.
"It's from all of us" Grace added.
Connie smiled, "thank you" she said before opening the paper then lifting the lid of the box.
"Oh my god it's beautiful" Connie gasped with tears in her eyes as she locked down at the necklace inside.
It was silver with a very thin chain and a heart locket with 'Mum x' engraved into it.

"Open the locket" Jacob said.
She opened it and smiled seeing the two photos inside, one of Grace holding  the twins when they were born then a whole family photo.
"I love it, thank you all" Connie said again before kissing each of her children on the forehead then Jacob on the lips.
Noah clambered into Connie's arms and cuddled her whilst Amelia crawled all over Jacob.
"Hello little man" Connie said as he kissed her cheek.
"Mama! Love wo mama" he giggled.
"Dada! Want Pepwa Pig!" Amelia shouted.
Grace smiled, "I'll take them down, leave you too to eat your breakfast, we've already eaten" she said as she lifted the twins off the bed.
"Thank you sweetheart" Connie said as she cuddled into Jacob.

He lifted the tray onto the bed as they walked out and handed Connie a plate of bacon on toast.
"Thanks jay" she said as they both began to eat.
When they finished Jacob took the plates and the tray and placed them on the floor before handing Connie a larger box.
She opened it then threw herself on him, "I can't believe you bought me new Louboutins" she grinned.
"Well I know you needed a new pair and I wanted to thank you for giving me the family I've always wanted, you and our three beautiful children" Jacob said.
Connie placed the box on the floor then lent in and kissed him gently, "four, you need to buy some condoms Jacob" she giggled.

Jacob looked at her in shock, "what? Are you saying what I think you're saying?" he asked with a smile forming on his face.
Connie nodded, "you're going to be a daddy again" she smiled.
Jacob grinned and kissed her hungrily, "you've made me so happy Connie Masters!" he said.
"Ditto Jacob Masters" she replied as she straddled him and pulled his boxers down.
"Oh doing this now are we?" he smirked.
Connie giggled then lent down and kissed him as his hands went to her waist and pushed down her bed shorts.
He continued to strip her of her clothes before she sank down on his erection.
They both moaned, completely oblivious to the door still being open as Connie rode Jacob quickly.
He massaged her breasts and raised his hips pushing more of his length inside of her causing them both to moan louder.

"Mum! Dad! Jesus you could close the door!" Grace said as she burst into a fit of laughter and ran back downstairs.
Connie looked at Jacob who just smirked, "you can't stop now con!" he moaned.
She giggled and carried on riding him until they came together.
Connie rolled off of Jacob then cuddled into him and rested her head on his chest, "we need to remember to shut the door, and maybe get a lock on it" she laughed.
"good idea, at least Grace is mature enough to understand, can you imagine if it was Amber or Noah" he replied.
Connie giggled and kissed his cheek, "should we go down and tell them about the baby? And check Grace is ok?" she said.
"Yeah sounds good, how many weeks are you?" he asked.
"Thirteen so it's safe to tell them really"  Connie replied.

They got out of bed and got dressed before going downstairs.
The twins were giggling away at Peppa Pig holding on to their teddies whilst Grace was texting.
She looked up at them and smirked, "yep, the clothes are definetly a better look" she giggled.
Connie smiled and sat down next to her, "sorry about that sweetheart, we forgot to close the door and we thought you were all downstairs" she said.
"Ahh it's fine, and I had to go up and get their toys" Grace told them.
"Ok, thank you for looking after them" Connie said as she lifted Amber up into her lap.
Jacob picked up Noah then sat down next to Connie, "we have something to tell you" he said as he squeezed Connie's hand.
"What? What's wrong?" Grace asked.
"Nothing's wrong sweetheart, everything's perfect actually. I'm pregnant again, you three are getting a little brother or sister" Connie told them.

Grace's eyes went wide, "another one? Wow!" she smiled.
"So you're happy about it then Grace?" Jacob asked.
"Well yeah I love the twins to pieces and I'm sure I'll love this one just as much, but I have a few questions" Grace replied.
"Go on" Connie said with a raised eyebrow.
"Was this baby planned?" Grace asked.
"Err no sweetheart, no it wasn't" she replied.
"Right, so when you put me on birth control you decided not to invest in some for yourself?" Grace said causing Jacob to almost jump up.
"You put her on birth control?" he stuttered.
"Yes, it doesn't mean I'm condoning her having sex but she's sixteen Jay, if she wants to do it then she'll do if, I'd rather she was safe" Connie explained.
"Alright, It's a good idea, we don't want anymore babies" he said.
"Baba!" Amber shouted.

Connie giggled and turned her around to face her, "Amber, Noah, do you understand that you are getting a baby brother or sister? A baby to live here with us" she said.
"Baba! Where?" Noah said as he looked around.
"It's not here yet little man, still in mummy's tummy for now" Jacob told him.
Noah and Amber both looked down at Connie's stomach then Amber placed her hand on it as they looked at their parents, clearly confused.
"How? How the baba in there?" Amber asked.
Connie looked at Jacob unsure of what to say as Grace started laughing, "well I'll leave you two to come up with an explanation for that one, I'm going to get dressed" she said before walking out laughing.
"How mama?!" Amber asked again.
"Err it was magic princess" Jacob said earning more strange looks from his children before they turned their attention back to the TV.
"Nice save" Connie whispered.
Jacob grinned and kissed her cheek, "I love you" he said.
"I love you too" she replied.

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