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"Good Morning Staff Nurse Tyler, good morning Staff Nurse Masters" Connie said as she walked into the ED.
"Good morning Mrs Beauchamp" Louise replied with a smile, Jacob on the other hand picked up a file and walked away without a word.
"Is something the matter with him?" Connie asked Louise.
"I'm not sure, he's been in a mood all morning" Louise told her.
"Ok thanks Louise" Connie said before heading off to her office.

She had been in there for half an hour doing paperwork when Charlie came in to tell her she was needed in resus.
She followed him in and treated her patient then sent her off for an X-ray.
"Staff Nurse Masters my office now please" she said.
"I'm busy" Jacob said flatly.
"Now!" Connie shouted loudly shocking everyone including Jacob.
He slammed a patients chart down on the side then followed her out of resus as she stormed to her office.

Jacob walked in behind her and slammed the door behind him.
"Your attitude is completely unacceptable, and undermining me infront of patients and staff like you did in resus is not something I tolerate, whether you are my boyfriend or not. If I tell you I want to see you I do not expect to here that you are busy I expect you to do as I say" Connie growled at him.
"You finished?" Jacob asked.
Connie glared at him, "I don't know what's happened to put you in such a bad mood with me but I don't like it. Sort yourself out Jacob" she told him.

"You don't know? You sure about that babe?" Jacob asked her.
"Mrs Beauchamp" Connie snapped.
"Or should I say baby? You'd like one them wouldn't you Connie, all to yourself maybe?" Jacob shouted.
"What are you going on about now Jacob?" Connie asked him.
"I found the test Connie, a month ago I found it! I've been waiting for you to tell me but you wouldn't, I've had enough of waiting! Why didn't you tell me?" Jacob said angrily.
"Sit down" Connie said flatly.
"Why should I?" Jacob shouted.
Connie sighed, "please Jacob, sit down. It's not what you think" she said.

Jacob reluctantly sat down on her couch then she sat down next to him.
She touched his hand but he pulled it away from her, "I'm sat down, now explain" he said.
"I'm not even supposed to be telling you this, you've put me in a very difficult position here Jacob" she said with a sigh but from the look he gave her she could tell that he didn't want to here it.
"Three months ago Lily slept with Ethan, then a month ago I found her crying because she feared she might be pregnant. I couldn't just leave her crying outside in the cold so I she came back to mine and she took the test there. The test you found. It wasn't mine Jacob, I'm not pregnant, there is no baby" Connie told him.

Jacob put his head in his hands, "Connie I'm so sorry, when I found the test I thought it was yours, then when you didn't tell me I thought you didn't want to have a baby with me, that you wanted to raise it alone. I had no idea about Lily" he said.
"I would never do that Jacob! I may not say it very often but I do love you, I would never take your child away from you, you mean more to me than just a child, a child was all Sam meant to me but you're different. You make me happy, I wouldn't leave you, ever" Connie told him.
Jacob moved back over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, "I love you too sweetcheeks, I always will" he said.

Connie lent back against Jacob's chest then pulled her legs up onto the couch.
He then lent forward and gently kissed her lips.
"Jacob do you want a baby? I might be wrong but from the way you reacted" Connie said but Jacob cut her off by kissing her again, "Yes, but I want you more, and if I can't have both then I choose you" he said softly.
Connie placed her hand on his cheek, "you don't have to choose, when we get home tonight you better get your pants off quickly" she said with a smirk.
Jacob smiled, "you want to try for a baby?" he asked her.
Connie laughed, "I thought we had established that from my response, but yes Jacob, yes I to" she told him before kissing him again.

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