Road Trip

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Mr Hansen had arranged for the staff at the ED to take a trip to Newcastle for team bonding.
They had hired a tour bus to drive them up there as they would be traveling for quite some time on the Friday morning.
They all met around the corner from the ED at 5am on the Friday morning.
"Is everyone ready to party?" Robyn shouted happily.
Zoe and Connie groaned, "too early" Zoe muttered, although she and Connie were also hung over from drinking so much that night.
"Light weights! Come on let's go" Robyn said as she opened the door to the bus and climbed in followed by the others.

"Woah guys this is amazing!" Robyn shouted as she looked around.
"Yeah this is pretty cool" lofty agreed.
The bus was kitted out with couches, cushions, tables, some mini fridges, televisions, stocked with food and drink, speakers and a bathroom which was on the second deck of the bus with more couches and tables.
Connie sat herself down on one of the couches in the corner then lent backwards groaning as she did so.
"You feeling ok queen bee?" Jacob asked her from where he stood infront of her.
"No, I only went to bed at three, and usually I would be ok with less than two hours sleep but not when I've drank this much" Connie replied.
"Why don't we go upstairs? You might get more rest up there, with Robyn being down here and all" Jacob suggested.
"We?" Connie asked him.
"I was going to sit with you, if that's ok" Jacob said.
"Yes that's fine, but I won't be fun" Connie said as she stood up.

They went to the top of the bus and sat on a couch in the far corner.
The only people up there were Zoe and Charlie.
Zoe was already lying across a couch with her eye mask on trying to sleep off her hangover whilst Charlie was sat on a couch that was no longer visable from where they sat.
Connie pulled her legs up onto the couch and went to lean against the arm of it but Jacob pulled her closer to him so her head was on his chest.
Connie looked up at him and smiled, "are you sure this is comfortable for you?" she asked him.
"Yes it is queen bee, just rest your pretty little head" Jacob replied softly.
"If you say so" Connie mumbled before closing her eyes.

Jacob smiled at the sight of Connie sleeping on his chest, or so he thought.
"It perplexes me how someone can look this beautiful at this time in the morning with a hangover, God I love you" he said softly.
"Jacob" Connie said startling him.
"How much of that did you here?" Jacob asked her.
"All of it" Connie admitted.
"I'm so sorry, I should go down to the others, let you get some rest" Jacob said as he gently lifted her head from his chest.
"No Jacob, don't go" Connie said clenching his hand in hers.
"Connie" he started.
"Jacob I love you too" she blurted out.

Jacob's hand cupped her cheek which he caresed with his thumb.
"Do you mean that?" He asked her.
"Of course I do, I've never loved anyone like I love you" she whispered.
Jacob smiled then lent in towards her before gently kissing her lips.
"Wow" Connie said with a smile as she pulled away.
"Feeling better sweetcheeks?" he asked her.
"Yes, although I could still use the sleep" Connie said.
"Come on then" Jacob said before moving so that he was lying down then he pulled her down with him so his arms were wrapped around her waist.
"Sweet dreams beautiful" he said before kissing the top of her head.
"Sweet dreams Jacob" Connie replied as she closed her eyes.

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