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"I love you" Connie said as she caressed Jacob's cheek.
"I love you too" he replied then placed his lips on hers kissing her lovingly.
Connie kissed him back, her arms around his neck, his tongue in her mouth.
"Mum! What are you doing?" Grace shouted as she walked into Connie's office.
They pulled apart to see Grace glaring at them angrily, "you and Jacob?" grace spat.
"Yes sweetheart, he's my boyfriend" Connie confirmed.
Grace shook her head, "if he's your boyfriend then I'm not your daughter. You have to choose, me or him" she said.
"Excuse me?" Connie asked in shock.
"If you want Jacob then I'm going back to dad. You can't have us both" grace told her.

"Grace Beauchamp you listen to me right now young lady. I will not choose between the two people that I love. You should be greatful, Jacob was the one that convinced me to go and get you back from that airport! I love him and if you can't accept that then it is you who needs to make the decision weather you stay or go. Understand me?" Connie said angrily.
"Fine, I'll ring my dad now!" Grace said.
"Fine, you go and do that" Connie said.
"What? You'd really give up on me that easily?" Grace asked in shock, she had expected her mother to leave Jacob straight away.
"Grace I want you to stay so badly but I'm not going to force you. You are going to have to accept that fact that I love Jacob and I need him in my life. You don't get to choose who is and isn't in my life, I'm the mum and that's my decision" Connie explained.

"But you'll forget about me, Jacob will always come first because you put everything and everyone before me!" Grace screamed.
"No! That is not true Grace and you know it. If you want to go home to your dad I will ring him now and you will be on the next available flight. Do you hear me?" Connie warned.
Grace looked up at Jacob, she could tell he wanted her to stay too. Connie had tears in her eyes and grace was very aware that she was the cause of them.
"I'll stay, I'm so sorry" she croaked before throwing her arms around Connie's waist.
Connie held her daughter tightly, stroking her hair as Jacob placed his hand on her shoulder supportively.
"Can we go home now mummy?" Grace sniffed.
"All of us?" Connie hinted to grace who nodded, "all of us" she said.
Connie smiled and took both Jacob's and Grace's hand in hers as they walked out of her office.
"I love you Queen Bee" he whispered.
"Love you too muscles" Connie replied.

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