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Connie placed her back down on the kitchen counter, smiling across at Jacob.

"How was work?" he asked her, picking up another strawberry from the packet and placing it in his mouth.

"Stressful, mmm them strawberries look good" Connie replied, reaching over to take one from the packet, only for Jacob to pull it backwards, "get your own" he smirked at her.

Connie glared playfully, "very funny. Now pass me a strawberry" she insisted.

Jacob took another bite of his own strawberry, sensually running his tongue over it, "mmm so good" he smirked at her.

"Jacob! Give me a strawberry" Connie said in frustration, reaching forward again, only for him to step back around the counter.

Connie followed him, but as she got closer he moved further towards the door, strawberrys still in hand.
She pushed her tongue into her cheek, sighing in defeat, convincing Jacob to let down his guard, until she lunged towards him.

She grabbed a strawberry from the box, which he dropped to the floor in order to grab Connie by the waist. She laughed as he picked her up, moving one hand to her wrist to stop her from moving the strawberry to her mouth, as he carried her towards the living room.

He placed his lips against hers, kissing her deeply as he laid her down on the couch, falling on top of her.

Connie dropped the strawberry to the floor, then moved her hands to the bottom of his shirt, pulling it over his head, breaking the kiss for just a second.

Jacob moaned as Connie ran nails down his toned chest and abdomen, whilst he was undoing the button of her pants and pulling them down over her hips.

Connie kicked them off of her ankles, then let out a loud moan as Jacob's hand fell into her underwear, running a finger through her folds.

"Bet this is better than a strawberry" he whispered in her ear, then kissed down her neck slowly whilst containing to rub her clit with his index finger.

Connie pulled at his jeans, pulling them down with his boxers, Jacob's erection springing free causing her to smirk in excitement.

Jacob gripped Connies hand in his, then slowly pushed himself into her, the two of them moaning obscenely in pleasure.

Connies legs wrapped around his waist, pushing him in deeper, before he began to thrust in and out of her quickly.

Connie threw her head back, moaning and gasping for air as Jacob grunted loudly with every thrust.
She moaned his name, before locking her lips to his, kissing him deeply as she tightened around him.

Jacob groaned at the feeling, knowing he was close, his breaths became laboured, then with a loud moan he released inside of Connie.

This set her off, moaning as she came hard down his length. He slowed down, kissing her slowly as he pulled out, then laid beside her allowing them both to catch their breath, but it only lasted a second.

"What are you doing?" Jacob asked as Connie sat up, leaning over him and reaching off the couch.

Connie sat back up, strawberry in hand, "getting what I wanted all along" she laughed before taking a bite, "mm, better than sex, by far" she smirked.

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