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"This is Connie Beauchamp, 38 weeks pregnant, in labour" Iain said as he pushed her in on a trolley followed by Grace.
"Arrrr this fucking hurts!" Connie screamed.
"Connie! We thought you were London with Sam, I had no idea you were pregnant!" Zoe said.
"I was! I didn't know when I left which is pretty unfortunate! Will you please get this baby out of me" she shouted.
"Right, through to HDU please Iain" Zoe said as she walked with Grace behind Connie.
Connie was lying back taking deep breaths on the entenox when she screamed out again, half in pain but half at the sight in front of her.

Jacob pulled away from kissing his girlfriend at the sound of the scream and turned to see Connie.
"Connie" he said in disbelief.
"Jacob with me please" Zoe said but Connie wasn't happy about it, "no! He can't be here, in need someone else. Iain can you take Grace to Charlie please" she cried.
Iain took Grace's hand in his and led her away as Zoe and Rita pushed Connie through the doors.
"Have your waters broken Connie?" Rita asked.
"Yes! Arrr it hurts!" She screamed.
"Ok, do you want us to call Sam?" Zoe asked.
"No! There's something you need to know" she panted just as Jacob walked in.
"Get out! You can't be here!" Connie screamed.

"Jacob go" Rita said.
He walked out angrily letting swinging the doors behind him forcefully.
"Connie what do we need to know?" Zoe asked.
"The baby, he's Jacob's" she panted before screaming out again.
Zoe looked at Rita unsure of what to say, it was clear she didn't want Jacob to know and to make it worse she had obviously seen him with his girlfriend.
"I'm going to check how dilated you are, we need you to take your trousers off" Rita said.
Connie nodded then pulled them down assisted by Zoe then a blanket was placed over her legs.
"Ok Connie you're 8 centimetres, it shouldn't be too long now" Zoe told her.
"I bloody well hope so! Arrrrr" she screamed.

"Who is she? That woman kissing Jacob?" she panted after getting through her contraction.
"His girlfriend, she's a nurse here. They've been together for a few months now" Rita told her.
"I feel so stupid! Why did I have to sleep with him?" she sobbed.
"Connie it's ok, everything will be fine. Are you going to tell him?" Zoe asked.
"I can't! He's got a girlfriend, it clearly meant nothing to him. I can't drop a bombshell on him like this" she cried before screaming loudly and gripping the side of the bed.
"It's getting worse! Arrrr help me! I need an epidural" she shouted.
"There's no time for that Connie, you nine centimetres now" Rita said.

A while later Connie was pushing and screaming, mostly about how much she hated Jacob for putting her through it.
"One more push Connie and he'll be here" Zoe encouraged.
She pushed as hard as she could then her sons cries filled the room as she collapsed against the cushions.
Rita cut the chord then wrapped the baby in a blanket before handing him over to Connie.
"Oh my god he's so beautiful" she sobbed.
"He really is, congratulations. Would you like me to get Grace?" Zoe said.
"Yes please, thank you both for everything" Connie cried.
Zoe walked out of HDU to be met with Jacob, "I need to see her Zoe" he said.
"That's not a good idea Jacob, she didn't want you in there" Zoe said but Jacob ignored her and walked into HDU.

He looked over at Connie who was crying whilst holding a little baby.
"Connie" he said alerting her.
She pulled the baby to her chest trying to hide him from Jacob as she looked up at him, "you need to leave" she said.
"What like you did? I don't understand what I've done Connie, you had a baby, I'm here to congratulate you, make sure you're ok since Sam wasn't here to help you through it" Jacob said.
"I'll give you some space" Rita said as she walked out of HDU.
"Please Jacob, just go" she sniffled as the baby began to cry.
"Shh baby it's ok, mummy's here" she soothed.
"Can I see him?" Jacob asked but Connie shook her head and held him closer, "go back to your girlfriend" she spat just as the doors flew open and Grace skipped in.

"Mummy he's here! Can I see him?" she asked.
"Yes you can sweetheart, Jacob was just leaving" Connie said whilst glaring at him.
"No, no I wasn't. Not until I find out what's wrong with you, I don't understand what I've done Connie" he said.
"Jacob please, you need to go!" she sobbed.
"Jacob, can I have a word?" his girlfriend said as she opened the doors.
"Not now staff nurse Taylor" Jacob said without looking back at her.
"What's going on in here?" she asked.
"Get out" Connie spat at her.

"Excuse me? I'm a member of staff, you shouldn't be talking to me like that" She said defensively.
"And I'm Connie Beauchamp, Mrs Beauchamp, previous clinical lead in Cardiothorasic surgery and emergency medicine. I've told you to leave, out" Connie growled as she handed the baby over to Grace.
"Connie calm down, staff nurse Taylor get out" Jacob said.
"Bastard" she muttered as she walked away.
"Right, I want answers and I want them now Connie" Jacob said sternly.
"Mummy, tell him. It's not fair" Grace said nervously.
"Grace please don't do this sweetheart" Connie warned.
"Its not fair on him though and it's not fair on the baby" Grace told her.

Jacob looked between Connie and Grace, "what's not fair? Connie please" he said sadly.
Grace held her arms out towards Jacob,  "I'm sorry mummy" she said as she handed the baby over to him.
"He's mine" Jacob said in disbelief.
"I'm going to find uncle Charlie" Grace said then she left leaving them to talk.
"Jacob I'm so sorry. I didn't know, I got the paternity test results last week then I came here fully intending to tell you but then I saw you had moved on and I couldn't ruin your relationship" Connie told him.
Jacob moved closer to Connie, "sweetcheeks you wouldn't of ruined anything, what I'm about to do is my choice. Connie I love you, I'd give up anything in a heartbeat for you. I don't love Melanie, she's always just been a bit of fun to me, I want you baby" he admitted.

"Jacob, don't do this, don't lie to yourself" she said sadly.
"You complete me Connie, it broke my heart when you left with Sam. I love you, I love our son. Please" he said.
Connie patted the edge of the bed and he sat down next to her, handed the baby over to her then she lent into his chest.
"I love you too Jacob" she cried.
Jacob grinned then lent down to kiss her gently, unaware that Melanie and Grace were watching through the window.
"Are we going to be a proper family now mummy?" Grace asked as she walked in.
"Wow Jacob, the woman's just given birth and you're already all over her" Melanie said.
"I'm sorry Melanie but you should of known it was always just a bit of fun. I love Connie, I always have done. I love my son, you need to go" Jacob said.

"The baby's yours?" Melanie asked.
"Yes, he is" Jacob confirmed.
"Fine, I'm not going to come between that. Congrats, and good luck" she said before walking out clearly annoyed.
"Wow, that went better than expected. And in answer to your question, yes Grace we are going to be a proper family" Jacob said causing Connie to smiled.
He wrapped his other arm around Grace and hugged her whilst smiling down at Connie, "we need a name for him" she said.
"I quite like Daniel" Jacob said.
"Daniel Masters, I like it, what do you think Gracie?" Connie said.
"It's cute" Grace replied.
"That's settled then, Daniel Masters" Connie confirmed.
"I love you baby" Jacob said as he kissed the top of her head.
"I love you too muscles" she replied.

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