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"Suction" Connie said as she tried to find the source of the bleed in her patients abdomen.
"Got it, she's ruptured her spline. We need to remove it" she said.
"Scissors" she said then Jacob handed them over.
"Clamp" she said as she put the scissors down.
She took the spline in her hand then placed it in a kidney dish that Louise was holding.
Connie and Jacob stitched up the patient then removed their scrubs.
"Can someone clean up this saline please?" Rita asked.
"Oh that's not saline, sorry my waters broke about twenty minutes minutes ago" Connie said as she fixed her top over her bump.

Jacob instantly moved to her side and placed his hand on her back.
"Are you having contractions? How far apart are they? Do you want me to ring maternity?" He asked frantically.
"Jacob, I'm fine aaah" she said before keeling over in pain.
"Maternity now! Max get me a wheelchair, Louise call ahead please" Jacob said.
"Jacob I'm fine, I swear" she said followed by another groan in pain.
"Yeah you're fine then I can fly. Maternity now" Jacob said sternly as Max came over with a wheel chair.
Jacob went to help Connie sit down but she screamed out in pain as she did so.

"Connie you need to be honest, how long have you been having contractions?" Rita asked.
"Just over an hour, I thought they were Braxton hicks" Connie panted.
"Alright, I don't think she's going to make the maternity ward. Let's get her on the bed then into the private room" Rita said.
"No, I need maternity" Connie cried out as Jacob led her towards the bed.
"There isn't time for that" Rita told her as Connie let out an even louder scream.
"I need to leave this is disgusting" Max said before falling to the floor.
"Get him out!" Connie screamed.
Cal and Ethan lifted Max up onto another bed then Jacob, Rita and Zoe pushed a screaming Connie out of the room towards a private one.

Connie's trousers and underwear were removed then a blanket placed over her legs as she Jacob held onto her hand.
"I hate you Jacob! Why did you do this to me?" Connie shouted at him.
"I love you too babe, come on you're doing great" Jacob tried to reassure her.
"Ok Connie on your next contraction I need you to push" Rita told her.
Connie nodded then screamed loudly then pushed as the contraction ripped through her.
"Ow! Ow Connie hand!" Jacob said.
Connie's contraction finished then she, Rita and Zoe all glared at Jacob before Connie cried out in pain again.

After a few more pushes, a lot more screaming and a lot more cursing of Jacob a little girl was handed over to Connie.
She cried in happiness as she held her daughter but that happiness was short lived as she screamed out in pain again and passed her daughter over to Jacob.
"You need to push again Connie" Rita urged.
Connie nodded then pushed with a scream, this time not holding onto Jacob's hand.
She pushed some more then after what felt like forever a second baby girl was handed over to her as she rested her head back against the pillow panting.
"They are so beautiful" she said with tears in her eyes.
"Just like their mummy" Jacob said before kissing the top of her head.

Rita and Zoe took the babies to be cleaned up and Jacob sat down on the edge of the bed next o Connie.
"You did great sweetcheeks" he said.
"Even if I did almost break your hand?" Connie asked.
"Even then baby" Jacob said with a smirk.
Zoe and Rita brought the babies back over bundled in little pink blankets wearing pink hats.
Connie took the first born in her arms whilst Jacob took the youngest.
"Do you have any names for these beautiful little girls?" Zoe asked.
"This is Lia and that's Daniela-May Connie said as she looked up at a smiling Jacob.

Zoe and Rita left then Jacob sat down on the bed again next to Connie and wrapped his free arm around her shoulders.
"I love you sweetcheeks" he said softly.
"I love you too muscles" Connie replied as she lent back against his arm.
"Did that hurt as much as it sounded?" Jacob asked.
"More, I'll try not to go into labour operating on a patient ever again, this is the second time" Connie said.
"Oh so there'll be another one?" Jacob asked with a grin.
"Good point, maybe we should buy some condoms" Connie replied with a smirk.
"If you say so sweetcheeks" Jacob said before leaning over to kiss her.

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