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Based on Rihanna's song 'unfaithful'
Sam smiled and wrapped his arms around Connie's waist as the walked into their bedroom.
"Since Grace is at my mums tonight I thought we could have some together? Go out for a meal?" he suggested.
Connie pulled away from him and took a small red dress out of her wardrobe, "sorry I made plans with Rita" she said as she began to get dressed.
"Right, yeah course sorry" he mumbled then retreated back downstairs knowing where she was really going.
Connie continued to get ready, sporting a short red strapless dress that hugged her body in all the right places, her signature Louboutins, a small red clutch bag, her hair falling down her back flawlessly in loose curls, diamond earrings and simple makeup with a bold red lipstick.

I feel it in the air as I'm doing my hair, preparing for another day. A kiss upon my cheek, he's here reluctantly as if I'm gonna be out late. I say I won't be long, just hanging with the girls, a lie didn't have to tell.
Because we both know where I'm about to go and we know it very well.

Her phone beeped alerting her of a new message from Jacob, 'Outside sweetcheeks xx'
Quickly she picked up her black leather jacket and ran down the stairs.
"Will you be home tonight?" Sam asked.
"No, I'll see you tomorrow" she replied.
"Alright, have fun, and say hi to Jacob for me yeah?" he said.
Connie looked at him and went to deny it but he shook his head, "don't connie" he said then walked away into the living room.
Connie sighed and walked outside to Jacob's car.
"Hey beautiful" he grinned.
"Hey handsome" Connie replied then lent over to kiss him.

Cause I know that he know's I'm unfaithful and it kills him inside to know that I am happy with some other guy.
I can see him dying.

Jacob's arms went around her waist and he pulled her from her seat and into his lap, kissing down her neck.
Sam stood in the window watching them as they were completely oblivious to him.
"I love you" Connie said to Jacob.
"I love you too" he replied, "but we should probably go, before Sam sees us" he added.
"He already knows, I don't know how and I don't know how long for but he knows. I think he's trying to convince himself that I'll come back to him and everything will be fine but it's not going to happen. I'm happier with you" Connie told him as she climbed back into her own seat.
Jacob smiled and brushed his thumb against her cheek, "I'm happy with you too" he said.

Our love, his trust. I might aswell take a gun and put it to his head, get it over with.
I don't wanna do this anymore, I don't wanna be the reason why. Everytime I walk out the door I see him die a little more inside and I don't wanna hurt him anymore, I don't wanna take away his life, I don't wanna be a murderer.

Three hours later Connie was lying in Jacob's arms breathing heavily after their second love making session.
"I need to make it official don't I? I need to end it" she said.
"Yeah baby you do, it's best for all of us" he replied.
Connie nodded and picked up her phone, 'I'm sorry I've hurt you Sam, but it's better this way. It's over' she wrote then clicked send before lying down again with Jacob.
"I honestly feel so much better now that I've done that" she said.
Jacob smiled and held her close, "well done sweetcheeks" he said.

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