Pub Confessions

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Everyone was sat around the pub playing a game of truth or dare.
"Right Mrs B, your turn! Truth or dare?" Robyn said.
"Truth" Connie replied.
"What's your biggest fear?" Robyn asked her.
Connie looked around unsure of what to say, should she tell them the truth?
"Spiders?" Cal asked.
"Ghosts?" Rita asked.
Jacob smiled at her and she took a deep breath, "my biggest fear, well my biggest fear is losing Jacob" she said.
"What?" Zoe asked in shock.
Connie stood up and moved over to Jacob, "yes I'm scared of losing Jacob. I'm scared of losing my husband" she told them.

"Husband? You a two are married?" Rita asked.
Jacob nodded and pulled Connie on to his knee as she took her necklace out from under her blouse and showed everyone the rings attached to it.
"You're never going to lose me baby, I promise" he said before placing a gentle kiss to her lip.
"Aww how cute are you two?!" Robyn exclaimed.
"I wanna know why none of us new?" Zoe asked.
"I knew, I gave her away" Charlie piped up.
"Me too, best man" Big Mac said.
"Why couldn't you tell the rest of us?" Robyn asked, clearly offended.
"We just wanted to keep home and work separate, it was better if people didn't know. It was how we wanted it" Jacob explained.

"So what changed? You're both still here, still married but now willing to tell us so what changed?" Zoe asked.
Connie looked at Jacob who smiled and nodded.
"My vodka and tonic changed to lemonade, my daughter is becoming a big sister and my husband a daddy" Connie told them.
Some where confused but Rita clocked on immediately, a little too quickly for Iain's liking, "you're pregnant too?" she asked then looked down as she realised what she had said.
"Too?" Iain asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yeah.. I found out this morning" Rita said.
Iain grinned and pulled her into his lap, "this is great news baby!" he said.

Everyone was looking around in shock, other than Connie and Jacob who were too busy devouring each other's faces to notice anything.
"Ewww!" Robyn shouted as she heard Jacob moan but still they didn't seem to notice.
"Oi love birds! We aren't finished with you two!" Cal shouted before throwing an empty scrunched up crisp packet at them.
Connie pulled away and scowled at him, "problem?" she asked.
"Yeah! How many weeks are you? Do you know what you're having? Have you chosen a name?" Robyn asked frantically.
Connie smiled at Jacob who nodded, "I'm twenty two weeks, we are having a little boy and we are naming him Mason" she told everyone.

"Twenty two weeks?! How have we not noticed?" Zoe asked.
"I'm very good at hiding it, although my bump is quite small for the timing" Connie said as she stood up then lifted up her floaty blouse to reveal her bump.
Jacob smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist.
"Well congratulations to all four of you" Zoe said as she looked at Connie, Jacob, Rita and Iain.
"Thank you, Rita we can go shopping for baby clothes together" Connie said.
"Ooh yeah, are you free tomorrow?" Rita asked.
"Yes I am actually, we'll go shopping, leave Jay and Iain to cook in mine?" Connie replied.
"Oh yeah only because you burn everything" Jacob muttered.
"Not everything!" Connie said.
"Babe you burnt toast this morning" Jacob laughed.
"That might of been because you had your head up my skirt, I was a little distracted" Connie replied.

"Oh well I doubt he needed the toast then" Cal smirked.
Everyone laughed and Connie blushed as she lent into Jacob.
"Come on baby, let's go home" he smirked.
"I'll text you later and arrange tomorrow ok Connie?" Rita said.
"Yes that's fine" Connie smiled.
"Night guys" Jacob said as he wrapped his arms around Connie's waist.
Everyone responded then they walked out hand in hand to the car.
"So you enjoyed this morning?" Jacob a smirked as her.
"Hmm, but I'm sure you could do better" she giggled as she opened the back door the car.
"What are you doing?" Jacob asked with a raised eyebrow.
Connie ignored him and climbed into the back, lying down and lifting her skirt up, "coming Mr masters?" she asked.
Jacob grinned and climbed in after her, slamming the door shut behind him.

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