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Jacob walked into Connie's office to find her groaning a little as she laid on her couch.
"Babe? What's wrong?" he asked her.
"Nothing, it's fine" she said with a forced smile.
"Con tell me" Jacob insisted as he sat down at the end of the couch.
"Well... It's my... It's that time and..." Connie replied.
"Babe are you having period pain?" he asked.
Connie nodded weakly, "sorry, it's just not something I was sure about telling my boyfriend of a week about" she explained.
He chuckled a little and stroked her hair, "I don't mind sweetcheeks, I'm a nurse and I have two sisters, I've heard much worse. Now let's get you home. Hot water bottle, paracetamol, tea, chocolate, ice cream, blanket and cuddles?" he said.
"Thank you" Connie smiled.

They drove home then Jacob made Connie a hot water bottle and a cup of tea then got out some chocolate.
"Jay?" Connie said as she came back downstairs in a vest top and jogging pants.
"Yeah baby?" Jacob replied as he turned around.
"We err, we need to go back out again" she told him.
"Tampons or pads? What do you need?" he asked her.
"Jacob I can't make you go to buy them for me" Connie said.
"You're not making me, I want to" Jacob smiled before kissing her forehead, "now what do you need?" he added.
Connie grabbed a piece of paper, scribbling down what she needed and handing it to him, "thank you baby" she smiled.
"You don't need to thank me, I'll be back in 15 minutes. Get yourself comfy on the couch" Jacob said.

He returned fifteen minutes later to find Connie sat on the couch sniffling.
"Baby? What's the matter?" he asked. "It's so sad" she cried as she read her book.
Jacob tilted his head and looked at the cover "babe it's fifty shades of grey" he said, clearly confused.
"But she clearly loves him but he just wants her to be his submissive!" she sobbed.
"Oh jeez you are hormonal" he laughed and sat down next to her with the carrier bag.
"Now put the book down and dry your eyes. I've got your stuff, I'll make some lunch then we will cuddle on the sofa watching TV, making sure it's not a show that will make you cry" Jacob said.
"Thank you, I love you" she replied.
"I love you too baby" he smiled.

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