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Follow on from my previous one shot 'Drunk'

"Jacob my head hurts" Connie groaned as she opened her eyes.
Jacob gently began stroking her hair, "that's probably due to the amount of wine you drank last night" he said.
She groaned again and rolled into his arms, "I don't even remember what happened" she said.
"Oh I'm sure you'll find out when we go to work, you made quite the scene" he told her.
"Oh god, please tell me what I did" she groaned.
"Nope, but I can tell you that everyone now knows about us and you did and said some pretty interesting things once we left" Jacob said.
"Like what?" she said with a sigh.
"All will be revealed beautiful, now paracetamol, ibuprofen or both?" he asked.
"Both" Connie groaned before burying her head under the pillow.

An hour and a half later they arrived at work with Connie sporting a hangover and pair of sunglasses whilst leaning on Jacob as she walked in.
Many of the staff couldn't help but laugh when they saw her as they remembered her antics from the night before.
"Oh look who it is, Connie Beauchamp whose never cheated on a man have you Connie?" Zoe asked angrily.
"Too loud" she groaned.
"That's right because I'm a fog horn aren't I?" Zoe said.
"Leave it Zoe, you weren't exactly sober yourself" Jacob said as he wrapped his arms around Connie.
"No but that didn't mean she had the right to make a comment about my hen night!" She said.

"Zoe will you shut up and get on with your job before I make another one!" Connie shouted.
Many of the staff started smirking as Zoe turned around with a huff and walked away.
Connie looked up at Jacob, "what exactly did I say to her?" she asked.
"Something about me being yours because you know what she's like and apparently you spoke about her cheating on Max" he told her.
"Well I was only speaking the truth" Connie said.
"Mrs Beauchamp, have you sorted out your little problem yet?" Cal asked.
"What little problem?" Connie asked him and this time even Jacob couldn't control the laugher.

"What problem did I have?" Connie asked again.
"Jacob had to pick you up and carry you off the stage to which you informed him that you liked it when he took control before you started kissing his neck. He told you that you couldn't have sex in the pub so your response was 'but I'm horny nowwww'" Cal told her.
Connie started blushing bright red, "please tell me I didn't say that" she groaned.
"Sorry babe, but you did. That was after I'd already told you we couldn't have sex in a pub but you informed me that nobody would notice" Jacob said.
"Oh great! Anything else I should know about?" Connie asked.
"Yes. We never have and never will sleep together" Dylan informed her.
"Yeah same goes for me, only cause Zoe would kill me of course" Max smirked.
"Although me on the other hand, I'd go there" Cal said.

"What?!" Connie shouted.
"You forgot who your boyfriend was so went round asking them if you were sleeping with them. You eventually got to me" Jacob said.
"How the hell did I forget?! You're pretty memorable Jacob" she smirked.
"Is she still drunk?" Max asked.
"No, just very hung over. Come on Con, you're having an admin day" he said as he led her towards her office.
Connie took her coat off and collapsed on her couch with a groan as Jacob sat next to her.
"I am never drinking again" she mumbled.

At the end of the shift Connie and Jacob went out to his car.
They had been driving for about ten minutes before Connie realised they weren't going the same way.
"Err Jacob where are we going?" Connie asked.
"Here, this is what you wanted isn't it?" he smirked as he pulled up outside a registary office.
"What do you mean?" She said.
"Last night when I carried you to the car, you asked me to marry you. I said I'd bring you here today"  Jacob told her before he started laughing and started the engine again.
"What are you doing?" Connie asked.
"Going home now" he smirked.

"Don't. Let's do it. Let's go in there and get married" Connie said.
"You want to get married? To me? Now?" Jacob asked.
"Yes, I really must of meant it last night" she said.
They both got out of the car then Jacob took Connie's hand in his, "you're sure this is what you want?" he asked.
"More than anything" Connie replied before kissing him gently.
"I love you" Jacob said.
"I love you too" Connie said before they walked inside.

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