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"Noel, I just found this mobile phone when cleaning the on call room" one of the cleaners said as she held it out to him.
"Thanks" Noel replied with a smile.
He clicked on the home button causing the screen saver to appear and him to almost drop the phone.
On the screen in front of him was a photo of Connie lying tangled in very thin bed sheets, her hair sprawled out over the pillow, love bites down her neck and an extremely visible cleavage.
His eyes went wide as his mind wondered, surely Connie wouldn't have a picture like this of herself as her own screensaver which meant one thing. She was sleeping with someone from the ED.
"Noel?! Why the hell is that your screensaver?! Oh my god averting my eyes" Jack said in histerics as he walked to reception and looked over his shoulder.
"It's not mine! The cleaner found the phone in the on call room and handed it in! I don't know who it belongs to but clearly Mrs Beauchamp does" Noel told him.

Meanwhile Jacob was walking into Connie's office, "hey babe, have you seen my phone anywhere?" he asked.
"No I haven't muscles, did you leave it in the on call room by any chance?" she replied.
"Aah good thinking" he said then he winked at her before retreating out of her office.
He went up to the on call room and began checking around.

"Unlock the phone and see if there's any of the owners details on there" Jack suggested.
"There's a password" Noel said, "six letters" he added.
"Try Connie" Jack joked but Noel took him seriously and typed the name into the phone causing it to unlock.
He clicked on the contact icon but didn't seem to get much imformation from that, most of the contacts were people from the ED then the others didn't stand out at all, just simple names that anyone could know and family members such as mum and dad.
"Try the camera roll? If he's taken a picture of her like that then maybe there's one of them together" Jack suggested.
Noel navigated his way around the phone and selected the camera roll, both of them staring in shock at what they saw.

Photos of Connie sleeping on Jacob's chest, more photos of Connie in bed, some of which were even more releaving than the screensaver, selfies of the two of them laughing and smiling, some of them kissing.
"Wait what's that?" Jack asked as he selected the first of two photos that intrigued him.
"Oh my god" he muttered as he repeatedly swiped back and fourth between the two ultra sound pictures.
"Any reason you're going through my phone?" Jacob asked from in front of the desk.

They both looked up instantly, "Jacob! Look mate it's not what you think, the cleaner handed it in then I saw the screensaver and new it belonged to someone that worked her so went on your phone to see if I could work out who I could return it. We've only just realised it was yours" Noel explained.
"Right, you keep this to your selves ok?" he said.
"Yeah course, but err well congratulations I guess. On the baby" Noel said.
"What baby?" Rita asked as she walked up to the desk.
"Nice one mate" Jacob said sarcastically.
"You're having a baby Jacob? I new there was something different about you, there was me thinking you'd be living it large" Rita smirked.
"Very funny" he joked.

"Seriously though, who is she?" she asked.
"Connie" Jack blurted out before clamping his hand over his mouth earning a glare from Jacob.
"Sorry I just couldn't keep it in anymore" he mumbled.
Jacob sighed and looked at Rita, "don't tell anyone!" he said.
"Am I the only one who does any work around here?" Connie snapped as she walked by.
Jack, Noel and Rita just started at Connie causing her to glare, "is there a reason you're all staring at me like I have grown an extra head?" she asked.
"Well it's a little more than just the head you're growing, so congratulations" Rita said.
"Excuse me?" Connie asked.

"They went on my phone" Jacob said with a sigh.
"Let me guess! They saw your screensaver?" Connie asked, still under the impression that Jacob's screensaver was the same as it was the day before, their sonogram photo.
"Oh yeah, it came as the quite the shock to see you like that" Jack replied.
"See me like that? How could you know it was my sonogram?" she asked.
"Actually we only saw that when we unlocked the phone, I was talking about the very revealing photo of you" Noel said, not noticing Jacob's signals for him to shut up but of course it didn't go unnoticed by Connie.
"Give me your phone" she ordered.
"Babe I don't think" he started but she grabbed it out of his hand.
"Shit, run! She'll kill us all!" Jacob shouted before he, Jack and Noel legged it from behind reception.
"Huh I look pretty good for fifteen weeks pregnant" Connie said to no one inparticular as she wandered back to her office with Jacob's phone in her hand, not caring less about his antics.

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