Car Park

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This slightly differs from the car park at the ED but I used it to create a sense of insecurity for my English essay. I achieved a grade A when it was in monologue form but I'm changing it back to third person for the sake of the one shot so I'm not sure how it will be in comparison. Hope you enjoy it x

The doors to the lift opened. Connie stepped out in to the could night air. Her louboutins hitting the concrete with every step she took. Walking across the roof of the carpark, darkness encasing her. The sky only light by the shimmering crescent of the moon. Wind howling as it swept around her legs.
She was tired. Desperate for sleep, sleep that she had been so deprived of due to the strenuous night shits.
Her car was the only one left, a silver Mercedes parked in her designated spot in the far corner.

She carried on walking, only to hear the lift open again. Probably just maintenance.
She carried on. Then hearing footsteps. Heavy breathing, coming up behind her.
Connie picked up the pace, not daring to look back. Whoever it was seemed to be getting closer and though she knew it was stupid, her car just seemed to be getting further away.
She rummaged through her handbag for her keys, not wanting to waste anytime when she arrived.
The footsteps got louder. Closer. She thought about screaming. What good would it do?

Pressing the button to unlock the car, she sped up again, walking as fast as her heels could carry her.
Connie pulled on the door handle only to feel two arms around her waist pulling her backwards.
She struggled to break free, until she heard his voice "surprise."
Connie relaxed against him, a smile forming on her face, knowing there was no longer any reason to be scared.
He turned her to face him, then used one hand to pull the door open completely.
"You gave me quite the scare Staff Nurse Masters" Connie whispered.
"Hmm I suppose I should make it up to you Mrs Beauchamp" he smirked before the two of them found their way inside the car, and his lips found their way to her lips.

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