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"Good morning birthday girl" Jacob said before applying gentle kisses to Connie's neck.
"Morning" Connie mumbled.
"Are you not in a good mood this morning? Does that mean you don't want your presents?" Jacob asked her.
Connie rolled over to face him and raised her eyebrow, "what presents?" she asked.
"Why don't you put some clothes on then we can go down stairs and see" Jacob said.
Connie did just that then took Jacob's hand in hers as he led down stairs.
"Wow! Jacob you didn't have to do this!" Connie said as she saw the huge pile of presents in front of her.
"I wanted too, because I love you. Happy Birthday baby" he said before pulling her into a kiss.

They sat down on the couch then Jacob handed Connie the first present.
She unwrapped it to reveal a square red box which she opened to find a silver necklace that had a heart charm with a diamond in the middle of it.
"Jacob it's beautiful" Connie said with tears forming in her eyes.
"Just like you" he whispered before handing her the next present.
She unwrapped it and instantly threw her arms around him hugging him tightly.
"You bought me new louboutains!" she said happily.
"Did I? I had no idea" he said sarcastically before kissing the top of her head.

They spent the next twenty minutes opening the presents.
Jacob had bought Connie louboutains, the necklace, a michael Kors handbag, a michael Kors watch, a bottle of Chanel number five, a pair of diamond earrings, a set of underwear from Boux Avenue and a pandora bracelet.
Connie was curled up in Jacob's arms on the couch when the doorbell rang.
"Who's that at this time?" Connie said as she looked at the clock that red 7:55.
"That'll be another one of your presents" Jacob said as he released her from his hold.
"Another one?" Connie asked.
"Yeah, wait here whilst I go and get it" Jacob said.

He returned a few minutes later with Jac and Jonny walking in behind him.
"Jonny? Jac? What are you doing here?" Connie asked.
"Your present was at our place, it would of been a bit difficult to hide here" Jac said.
"What is it?" Connie asked.
"Mummy!" Grace screamed as she ran in from the hall way.
"Oh my god Grace!" Connie said as she hugged her daughter tightly.
"Happy birthday mummy" Grace said.
"Thank you sweetheart, I've missed you so much" Connie said.
"I've missed you too mummy" Grace replied.

"Thank you Jacob for everything, and Jac and Jonny for looking after Grace" Connie said.
"I'm not finished, there's one more thing" Jacob said.
"Jacob! Please tell me it's something small, you've bought me so much already" Connie said.
"Size wise, yes but the meaning is in no way small, and compared to the others in the shop, no it's not small" Jacob told her.
Connie gave him a confused look but it soon faded as he took a small box out of his pocket and bent down on one knee in front of her.

"I was going to do some kind of big speech for it but I don't think there's enough words in the English language to explain how much I love you and since you don't speak Arabic I thought it best to get straight to the point, Connie will you marry me?" Jacob said.
"Yes! Yes of course I'll marry you Jacob" Connie said as tears rolled down her cheeks.
Jacob stood up then placed the ring on her finger before pulling her into a hug and a kiss.
Jac, Jonny and Grace congratulated them both before Connie, Grace and Jac started fussing over how beautiful the ring was and how perfect the wedding was going to be before she and Jonny left.

"This is the best birthday ever, I'm so lucky to have you both " Connie said as she hugged both Jacob and Grace.
"You deserve nothing less baby" Jacob said softly.
"I love you mummy" Grace said.
"I love you too darling" Connie replied before placing a kiss to her daughters forehead.

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