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"Mummy?" Mason asked curiously from the hall way.
"Yes baby?" Connie replied as she walked in bouncing JJ on her hip.
"What's this?" he enquired, holding up the long pink vibrstor in his hand after rooting through the bags she and jacob had brought back from the hotel.
Connie's eyes widened, "put that down Mason, it's not for you to play with" she told him.
"So who does play with it?" he asked.
"No one, just put it back" Connie said, getting quite worked up seeing her five year old son holding her sex toys.
"It looks funny, Oooh what does this button do?" he giggled, pressing it and grinning as it began to vibrate, "it makes my hand shake!" he laughed.

"Con I'll take our... Oh my god why is he holding your vibrator?" Jacob said as he walked into the hall.
"He's holding it because you didn't take our bags up straight away! Well done Jacob! Very intelligent move!" Connie shouted at him.
"Jeez, you're shouty" Mason giggled.
Connie shot a glare over at him, "put it down and wash your hands" she instructed.
"Why do I need to wash my hands? It's not dirty" he said.
"Now who's the smart one ay sweetcheeks?" Jacob smirked and patted Connie's bum.
"Me want!" JJ squealed, reaching his arms out to Mason to get the vibrator.
"No!" Connie shouted.

"Mum what's... Mason why do you have that?!" Grace screamed as she walked into the hall.
"Found it in mummy and daddy's bag" he giggled.
"And he won't give it back" Jacob muttered.
"Do you know what that's for?" Grace asked him.
"No, what?" Mason asked.
Grace moved closer to him, bending down and whispering in his ear causing his eyes to widen, jaw and drop and hand to let go of the vibrator.
"Aaaaah!" he shouted and ran off down the hall.
"Grace! What the hell did you say to him?! He's five!" Connie shouted at her.
"I told him if children hold it then it explodes, jeez we aren't all as stupid as you and Jacob" she chuckled and walked out.
"Still all my fault?" Jacob smirked.
"Oh just shut up and move the bags" Connie grumbled.

I've said this on my message board but I don't know what to do about my one shots. Only 200 chapters are allowed and I have 193. I don't want to give up on this as I have over 70K reads but I don't know if anyone would read a new book of one shots??

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