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"I'm looking for Jacob Masters" a woman said as she approached Connie in reception.
"Depends what you want with him" Connie replied.
"My little girl needs her daddy" the woman replied.
"Excuse me?!" Connie said as she looked at the little girl holding onto the woman's hand, she couldn't of been any older than too and was the spit of Jacob.
"I'm dying, he's all she's got left" she cried.
"Hey sweetcheeks" Jacob grinned as he walked past her, patting her bum gently.

"Jacob" the woman said.
"Yeah that's me, who are you?" He replied as he looked at her.
"What? I'm Alexa, your ex girlfriend. And this is your daughter. Sorry are you two... An item?" Alexa said.
"She's my wife. And I can assure you she is not my daughter and you were never my girlfriend" Jacob told her.
"Jacob I'm all for you trying to save your marriage here but I'm dying, your little girl needs you" she said as her eyes filled with tears.
"She's not my little girl! I don't even know who you are!" Jacob said.
"How can you not?! It wasn't just some quick one night stand, it was six months!" Alexa said.
"And I've been married to him for five years. Jacob I hate to say this, it kills me, but that little girl, she looks just like you" Connie said.

"I can see that, but baby I swear to you I've never met that woman before. I've never cheated on you, I promise" Jacob told her.
"Yes you did! With me, and then you left me! I never got over you Jacob!" Alexa cried as she took her phone out of her pocket.
She scanned through photos then shoved the phone towards Connie who burst into tears.
"I thought you loved me! You swore to me Jacob when the evidence is right in front of you! A child, your child! A child that isn't mine! So do you know what Jacob, you're lucky you've got her, because you're never going to meet ours!" Connie cried.
"What? You're... Pre... You're pregnant?" Jacob stuttered.
"Yes I am, and I was going to tell you tonight. But now, now we are done" she said before walking away.

"What the hell have you done?! Let me see the photo!" Jacob shouted at the woman.
She handed the phone over to him, "how can you say you've never met me before?" she asked.
"Because I haven't. My brother has. My twin brother. I don't know why he used my name, but the man in that photo is not me. It's him" Jacob told her.
"No, no it can't be" Alexa said.
"It is. I love my wife, I really do. I'm sorry for what you're going through, really I am, but she's my niece. Not my daughter" he said.
"Do you know where he is? I need him to take Maddie" Alexa said.
"I'm sorry. But I don't think my brother  left you by choice. He's dead, a car accident two years ago" Jacob told her.

"But I don't understand, why didn't your wife recognise him? Why didn't she realise?" She asked.
"Probably because you knew my name, Maddie looks just like me, but mostly because I never told her I had a brother, let alone a twin brother that's dead" he replied.
She nodded, "I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused you, but I need you to take her. I haven't got long left and she needs a family. You're the only family she's got" she said as she let go of Maddie's hand and ushered her towards Jacob.
"Alexa don't do this" Jacob said as he watched her kiss her daughter's head.
"I'm sorry" she said before walking away.

Jacob looked down at Maddie, her brown eyes looking at him full of sadness.
He sighed and picked her up, she instantly held onto him as he carried her towards Connie's office.
He opened the door, his heart breaking as Connie lay curled up on the couch sobbing.
"Babe?" He said softly but got no response.
"Connie she's my niece. The man in that photo was my twin brother. This may seem far fetched to you but it's the truth. I've never ever cheated on you and I never will, you're my world sweetcheeks, please believe me" he said.

Connie finally looked up at him after hearing everything he'd said.
"I knew it wasn't you" she sobbed.
"What? Then why did you say all that stuff?" he asked.
"Because I only realised when I'd walked away. Your tattoo, on your shoulder, my name and our anniversary, you got it on our honeymoon. But the man in the photo didn't have it, so I knew it was either a very old photo or it wasn't you at all" she cried as she finally looked up at him, noticing Maddie in his arms.
Jacob sat down next to her and wrapped his other arm around her, "I love you so much baby" he said.
"I love you too" she replied.

"Jacob, where's Alexa? Has she left her with you?" Connie asked him.
"Yeah babe she has" he said with a sigh.
Connie smiled weakly, "looks like we'll be raising two kids then" she said.
"What? You're happy for her to suddenly live with us?" he asked.
"She's your niece, she's a little girl who needs someone to look after her. So yes Jacob, I don't mind" she replied.
"Thank you" he said before kissing her temple softly.

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