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"Oh my god Rita and Iain brought the baby in!" Robyn squealed as she saw them.
Everyone looked up as Rita pushed the pram over to them.
"Is she sleeping?" Zoe asked.
"She's just waking up, come and see" Rita said.
People crowded round the pram including Connie as they looked at Sophie.
Jacob came over and wrapped his arms around her waist as she looked up at him.
"I want one" she said.
Everyone stopped looking at Sophie and stared at Connie in shock as they fell silence.

"What?" she asked laughing slightly.
"You want a baby with me?" Jacob asked her.
"Yes I do" she replied.
Jacob grinned and kissed her gently as others laughed and looked back at Sophie.
"Can you imagine a mini you or me though?" Jacob asked.
"You do realise we already have a mini me? In the form of Grace?" Connie said.
"True, but a mini you or me with both our genes" he said.
"It'd be cute" she replied.
Jacob laughed and kissed the top of her head, "I love you" he said.
"I love you too" Connie replied.

Sophie was passed round to everyone then Jacob handed her to Connie.
"Oh my god she's beautiful" Connie said as she stroked her cheek gently.
"Thank you" Iain said with a smile.
"You really are feeling broody aren't you Connie?" Zoe said as she Connie handed Sophie to her.
Connie blushed not sure what to say as Jacob placed his hands on her waist again, "come on" he said.
"What?" Connie asked.
"You don't want to make our baby in public do you? On call rooms free" he smirked at her.
"Eww baby present" Robyn said.
"Well it's not like I went into detail, positions, noises, bed or floor" Jacob grinned.
"Magic Bullet" Connie giggled.

Everyone looked at her in shock again as Jacob started laughing, "we'll see you all in an hour or so" he smirked.
"An hour? Bit of wishful thinking there muscles" Connie replied.
"Funny one aren't you Mrs Masters?" Jacob said as she stuck his tongue out at her.
"Stop being childish and take me to make a baby" she said as she stood firmly in front of him.
"Come on then" Jacob said as he took her hand and began to walk away.
"You have legs don't you?" he laughed at her as he turned around to her.
"I'm well aware of that, but you have arms and I'd rather save my energy" Connie replied.
Jacob laughed and shook his head then picked her gripping her thighs as she wrapped her legs around his waist, both of them forgetting their present company.
Connie attached her lips to his and they held on to each other as Jacob carried her away towards the on call room.

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