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Jacob came up behind Connie in the kitchen and wrapped his arms around her waist, "how about a barbecue tonight?" he suggested.
"Oh that sounds good, I'll start preparing the food whilst you sort out the barbecue" Connie replied.
Jacob nodded and kissed the top of her head before retreating into the garden.
He turned on the barbecue whilst Connie got some food out which she brought out to him with plates, cutlery and two beers.
Jacob took his shirt off as it was hot around the barbecue then began cooking, with Connie watching his every move as she sat on the garden couch around the table.

Jacob could sense her watching him but carried on cooking and smirking to himself knowing that she clearly liked what she saw.
He asked for her to bring the plates over which she did then he plated up the food before they both sat down to eat.
"That was lovely Jay" Connie grinned as they both finished.
"I aim to please, now wait here" Jacob replied.
He took the plates in then came back outside with two fluffy blankets and a set of matches.
Jacob passed the blankets to Connie then lit the chimera before sitting back down next to her.
Connie put the blankets over the two of them and cuddled into him, the sun was beginning to set as the chimera burned away before producing light and warmth.

"This is perfect" she whispered softly after a while.
"Just like you baby" he replied.
Connie smiled and rested her head back on his chest, the sky had gone dark and everything was quiet, all they could here the the cracks and pops of the flames from the fire.
Jacob kissed the top of her head gently and took her left hand in his, tilting it upwards seeing the diamond on her engagement ring glisten.
"Just think, this time next week you'll be Mrs Masters" he told her.
Connie nodded, "I can't wait, it'll be the happiest day of my life" she replied.
"Ditto sweetcheeks, ditto" he grinned.

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