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"Jay! Mason!" Connie said as she walked through the front door.
She put down her bag and hung up her coat then wandered through the house not getting a response.
"Babe? Where are you?" she shouted.
She walked into the kitchen and stood at the sink, getting herself a glass of water, when she noticed the lights in Jacob's gym at the end of the garden where on.
Connie put down her glass and went outside then opened the door to the gym.
She stood there glaring with her hands on her hip, "Jacob Masters what have I told you about using our son for weight lifting?" she asked.

Jacob sat up and held Mason on his chest who was giggling away.
"He likes it, it makes him laugh" Jacob explained.
"And? Baby TV makes him laugh, he could of watched hat instead" Connie told him.
"Well I needed the exercise" he replied.
"So you couldn't use proper weights?" she asked.
"Well then Mason would of gotten bored just watching, so I'm getting him into practice. He's going to have rock hard abs like his daddy" Jacob smirked.
"They aren't that good" Connie teased.
"Hmm is that so?" He asked as he stood up.
"Yes it is so, although if you disagree and you're still in need of some exercise then you could always prove me wrong later? She smirked.

"Mrs Masters! Appropriateness in front of out son" he joked as he covered Mason's ears.
"Doesn't usually stop you" Connie replied.
"What are you trying to say?" Jacob laughed.
"You have a dirty mind" she told him.
"Sureeeee, I'm the one with the dirty mind" he replied sarcastically.
"That's besides the point. No more weight lifting our son ok?" she told him,
"What if the baby's a girl? Can I weight lift our daughter?" he asked.
"No!" Connie replied.

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