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Connie walked into the ED carrying six month old Amber who started fussing.
Jacob was oblivious, too busy sticking his tongue down his girlfriends throat until Cal asked him to go to resus.
Melissa looked over to Connie's office and saw her trying to settle Amber whilst turning her computer on.
She saw this as the perfect opportunity to suck up to both Connie and Jacob, she would pretend like she wanted to help although really she just wanted to get on Jacob's good side by interacting with his daughter, she didn't even like kids.

"Hey Connie, I was just wondering if you'd like me to watch Amber for you? You seem busy and she's fussing" Melissa said as she walked in.
"It's Mrs Beauchamp to you! No I do not want you to watch her, in fact I don't want you anywhere near my daughter. I'm quite aware of what you're trying to do and believe me Jacob is too. Go and find some work to do" Connie said angrily.
"I honestly don't know what you mean, I'm only trying to help" Melissa said innocently.
"Staff Nurse Carson get out of my office. You are to stay away from my baby, do you understand?" Connie said, raising her voice at Melissa.

"What do you think Jacob's going to say about this? I'm his girlfriend, Amber's his daughter so he gets a say in this!" Melissa said.
Connie sighed, Jacob was part of the problem. She was still desperately in love with him, she regretted leaving him because now Melissa had him.
"I won't tell you again, you are not to be around my daughter. Jacob knows I don't want you around her and he hasn't objected. I'm her mother, you are nothing to her. Not get out" Connie growled.
Melissa glared at Connie then walked out of her office slamming the door behind her.
Connie held Amber closer to her, "she really is an idiot" she muttered.

Jacob came into Connie's office an hour later and sat down on her couch, "I'm going on my lunch now, I was wondering if I could take Amber with me?" he asked.
Connie looked up to the door way to see Melissa glaring at her from the nurses station.
"You know I don't want her around my baby" Connie warned.
Jacob looked round the door and spotted Melissa, "she's not coming Connie, I don't particularly want her around Amber either. Look why don't you come with us? It might be good for Amber to spend sometime with both of us" he suggested.
"I don't know Jay" Connie said.
"Come on, it's just lunch" he said.
"Ok, take her for a second whilst I get my coat on" Connie said as she handed Amber over.

"Hi baby, have you been a good girl for mummy?" he said as he ticked her tummy gently.
Amber giggled back at him causing both Connie and Jacob to smile, "her prams in my car, I'll get it out then we can walk?" Connie suggested.
"Sounds good, come on" Jacob said then they walked out of her office.
"Jacob! If you're going for lunch then if you wait ten minutes I can come with you" Melissa said sweetly.
"I'm going with Connie and Amber, I'll see you later" Jacob said then they walked away leaving an angry, jealous Melissa.

Connie got the pram out of her car, strapped Amber into it then she began to push it as Jacob walked beside her.
"So where are we going?" she asked him.
"There's a new café that's opened round the corner, it's looks nice so we could try there" he suggested.
"Sounds good" Connie said with a smile.
They walked in a comfortable silence then went to a table outside the café.
"Can I get you any drinks?" a waitress asked them.
"I'll have a latte please" Connie said.
"Same for me please" Jacob said.
The waitress nodded then handed them too menus before walking away.

Connie and Jacob were unsure of what to say to each other but Amber broke the silence as she began to cry.
Connie picked her up and cradled her, "it's ok, mummy's here" she said as she took her bottle from her bag.
Amber began to drink the milk as Connie held the bottle whilst Jacob stared and smiled at her intently, "what?" she asked him.
"You're beautiful, thats all" he told her.
"Jay" Connie warmed him even though she had butterflies in her stomach.
"It's true Sweetcheeks, you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen" he told her.
"I should go, this was a mistake. Have lunch with your daughter" Connie said as she moved from her seat and handed her over.

"Can you cancel the coffees please?" Jacob said to the waitress as Connie began to walk away.
She nodded as he put Amber back into her pram then went after Connie.
"Con! Wait, come back" he shouted
"Go back to Melissa Jay, she's your girlfriend" Connie said as she turned around to face him and Jacob could see the pain in her eyes.
"I don't want Melissa, I want you baby" he said before pulling her into his arms and kissing her.
Connie kissed him back, wrapping her arms around her neck and sliding her tongue into his mouth.
They pulled apart when Amber began to fuss and Jacob kissed the top of her head.
"I love you" he whispered.
"I love you too Jay, but what about Melissa?" Connie asked.

Jacob looked up over Connie's shoulder, "I think she already knows babe" he told her.
Connie turned around in Jacob's arms to see Melissa stood a few feet behind them.
"I knew I couldn't trust you, I don't even know why I bothered! You were so madly in love with her it was ridiculous! Go and have your perfect happy family Jacob, and Connie you can stick your stupid job, I quit!" she screamed at them.
"Oh cry me a river Melissa, Jacob was too good for you and you know it. Now get lost and stay the hell away from my family" Connie growled at her.
Melissa turned around and walked away leaving Jacob grinning from ear to ear as he turned Connie back around and kissed her, "fancy bunking off? We can put Amber down for a nap and make up for lost time" Connie said as she ran her nail up his chest.
"Oh I thought you'd never ask Mrs B, lead the way" Jacob said as he took Ambers pram and they walked away.

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