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"Jacob, a word in my office please" Connie said.
Jacob nodded and followed her, closing the door behind him.
"Everything ok?" he asked.
"Yes, well no, not exactly. This is going to sound mad. But in half an hour, I need you to come in here and kiss me" Connie told him.
"What?" Jacob said in shock.
"Grace is back for six weeks. With Sam and his fiance whilst he's doing some locome work over here. Sam tried to play the 'I'm settled with my fiancé' card, claiming it made him the better parent, calling me an unstable mother as I would never be able to do it on my own, so he wasn't going to let me see Grace. So I kind of told him I wasn't alone. I told him I was engaged. To you" she confessed.

"Wow, can I ask why me?" Jacob said.
"Because you were the first name that popped into my head, the only reasonable option, the only man that Sam knows of other than Elliot and Charlie that I don't dispise, and they were both out of the question. So I said you" Connie explained.
"Right, so when Sam arrives in half an hour you want me to come in here and kiss you?" Jacob asked.
"Yes. Please." Connie confirmed.
"Just a peck or a bit of tounge?" he smirked at her.
"Jacob this is serious. If you don't mind I'd like you to stay in here whilst he's here. Just to make it more realistic that you are involved in Grace's care" she said.
"Ok. So what happens when Grace tells him you are in no way engaged to me?" Jacob asked.
"I'll cross that bridge when I come to it" Connie replied just as there was a knock on the door.
"Come in" she shouted.

"Connie" Sam said as he walked in.
"Sam. Never where good at time keeping. Always arrived early" Connie said with a sarcastic smile.
He chucked a little, "oh you brought your toy boy in here too! Let's see the ring then" he said.
"I'm hardly a toy boy. There's a years difference. And as for the ring, if you're as good of a surgeon as you think you are then you should know that it's wedding bands only. Not engagement rings" Jacob told him as he placed his had on Connie's waist.
"Feisty one. And clearly you can't keep your hands off her for a second. You really should learn to be more professional around work Jacob, it's not setting a good example considering she's clinical lead. Now tell me, is it the power, the money or the looks that you're with her for? Sure as hell ain't her personality" Sam said.

"Shut your mouth. I'm with her because I love her. She's beautiful, smart, funny, and I'm sorry that you're so incapable of that, that you can't see that Connie is perfect in every single way. I'm always going to think she's perfect and I can tell you now she's a damn good mum, so remind yourself who's depriving Grace of it" Jacob snapped.
"Jacob, don't" Connie said soothingly as she placed her hand on his arm.
"You think you can be a good mum to her Connie? Then you better show it. I'll be blaming you if Grace comes home upset to me Jacob. I'm trusting that you are going to look out for my daughter because there's no way Connie could ever do it on her own. She can spend the day with you both tomorrow" Sam said then he walked out, slamming the door behind him.

"Wow. That went well" Jacob said.
"It did actually. Thank you" Connie said softly.
"Not a problem sweetcheeks. Too bad I didn't get that kiss though" he smirked.
Connie looked up at him then moved her hand to place it on his cheek, "after that performance, I think you deserve one" she told him before pressing her lips to his gently.
When Connie didn't pull away Jacob ran his tounge over her lips which she parted allowing him access.
His hands where on her waist then she moved hers up to the back of his neck as they roamed each other's mouths.
Finally they pulled their lips apart for air, but made no attempt to move away from each other.

Jacob's heart sank when he noticed the tears forming in Connie's eyes, thinking he had done something wrong.
"Sweetcheeks, what's wrong?" he asked her.
"No ones ever spoken about me like that before, the way you did to Sam" she confessed.
Jacob brushed away a stray tear from Connie's cheek with his thumb, "I'll let you into a little secret. I meant every word" he said softly.
"Really?" Connie asked him.
"Really. I love you Connie Beauchamp" he told her.
Connie interlocked his hand with hers and caressed his knuckles, "I love you too" she whispered.
He smiled and placed a soft kiss to her forehead, "does this mean we aren't lying to Sam quite as much as we thought?" he asked.

"That depends if you want me" Connie replied.
"There's nothing in the world I want more than you sweetcheeks" Jacob told her as he held her close.
Connie smiled, "ditto muscles. Sam never has to know we aren't engaged, I doubt Grace would ever really notice either" she said.
"Don't worry sweetcheeks, I'll marry you one day" he grinned before pressing his lips to hers again.

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