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G - Glue

Jacob was in cubical two with his and Connie's patient who had a cut to the head that needed gluing.
"Mr Mason I would really appreciate it if you could keep still" Jacob said to his patient.
"Is everything ok staff nurse masters?" Connie asked.
"Yes Mrs B" Jacob replied without looking up.
Jacob placed a small bit of glue onto the cut but the patient moved dragging a string of glue along Jacob's right hand.
"For god sake" Jacob muttered.
"Jacob pass me the glue, get yourself cleaned up" Connie said as she put her hand out for the glue.

"No get away from me" the patient growled then with some force he pushed Connie backwards.
The only thing that stopped her from falling was Jacob grabbing her left hand with his right hand and the small of her back with his other.
"You ok queen bee?" He asked with a smile as he pulled her closer to him.
Connie cleared her throat slightly, "yes thank you Jacob, you can let go now" she said.
Jacob's hand left the small of her back but as they tried to disconnect their hands it became apparent what had happened.

"Shit" Jacob muttered.
"You think? Louise take over here please, lofty call pharmacy and get me some ethanol" Connie said.
"Actually Mrs Beauchamp, I called for a patient yesterday and they are all out, the next batch doesn't come in until next well" Lofty told her nervously.
"You've got to be joking me! Look what you've done" Connie growled at the patient.
"It wouldn't of happened if you had stayed away" he said.
"You gave your concent" Connie snapped back.

"Mrs Beauchamp why don't we go somewhere else, think of another way to get this sorted" Jacob suggested
"Fine" Connie said with a sigh.
They made their way to Connie's office, getting very strange looks from the staff that didn't know what had happened so were wondering why they were holding hands.
"Connie? When did this happen?" Zoe asked with a smirk.
"Nothing happened, at least not the way you are thinking. It's glue, and the pharmacy have ran out of ethanol, you got any ideas?" Connie replied.
"You can try running your hands under hot water, but other than that there isn't much you can do, you're going to have to wait until it seperates" Zoe said.

"So we are stuck like this until it ears off?" Jacob asked.
"Yeah" Zoe said trying to hide her smirk.
"My office, now Jacob" Connie said.
"I haven't got much choice!" Jacob said.
Half an hour later they still had not found a solution, even after trying what Zoe had suggested.
"I give up" Connie said as she slammed down the lid of her laptop.
"We may as well face it, we will be sharing a bed tonight, so mine or yours? I'll call a taxi" Jacob said.
"Mine" Connie said reluctantly.

They took a taxi to Connie's and Jacob ordered a pizza on the war to arrive just after they did.
They ate it in silence infront of the TV watching Criminal Minds until Connie starting yawning.
"Bed?" Jacob asked her to which she nodded.
"This isn't the end of the world you know" he told her.
"For you maybe" she muttered.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Jacob asked.
"Nothing, just get up" Connie told him.

They went upstairs and removed as much clothing as they could which consisted of Jacob's pants and nursing uniform, Connie's skirt and her top which she managed to get off over her neck.
That left Jacob in his white-shirt and Connie in her underwear.
"You got any scissors?" Jacob asked.
"You're going to cut it off?" Connie replied as she picked a pair up.
"Yes, well actually I was hoping you could as you could see it better, but yeah" Jacob said.
"Ok" Connie said then she started to cut his shirt.

They climbed into Connie's bed five minutes later only touching via theirs hands but Jacob then moved closer to Connie and wrapped his other arm around her waist.
"Jacob what are you doing?" Connie asked him.
"Something I've wanted to do since the moment I met you" he whispered before he started applying kissing to her neck.
"Jacob" Connie said again causing him to stop.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't of done anything" he said then he went to move again but she stopped him.
"No, don't move" She said then she rolled over so she was facing him before gently pressing her lips to his.

Jacob's tongue went across Connie's lips and parted them before he slid it inside roaming her mouth. He massaged her breast with his free hand causing her to moan.
Jacob pulled away and grinned at her, "I love you Sweethcheeks" he said.
Connie smiled, "I love you too muscles" she whispered before snuggling into the crook of his neck.
"Good night beautiful" Jacob whispered.
"Good night Jacob" Connie replied.

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