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"Is it just me or has Mrs B got a bump?" Robyn asked Louise.
Louise looked over at Connie then back at Robyn, "she's so pregnant!" Louise said.
"That's what I thought! Oooh I wonder who's it is?" Robyn said.
"Well you heard what a couple of past nurses from upstairs did when she was pregnant with Grace right?" Louise asked but Robyn shook her head.
"Donna Jackson and Maria Kendall, who dated Sam, had a bet. People paid a pound each for a vote on who they thought the father was" she told Robyn.
"Oh my god we need to do that! I'll get some paper, you round up the staff, but she does not find out about this" Robyn said.
"Oh agreed" Louise said as she walked away.

A few hours later Connie approached the nurses station and grabbed the paper from Robyn. Of course she'd heard about their little scheme and was very interested to see what stupid theories everyone had came up with.
She looked down at the list and began to laugh.

Father: Voters:
Cal Noel, Lofty,
Jack, Iain,
Louise, Robyn

Sam Strachan Zoe, Lily

Hansen Dylan, Big Mac

Guy Rita, Ethan, Cal

Sperm donor Max, Jacob,

Connie took a pound coin out of her pocket and handed it out to Robyn, "may I?" she asked.
"Err, yes, yes of course Mrs Beauchamp" Robyn stuttered as she handed her a pen.
Connie wrote something down then handed the paper back to Robyn then turned on her heel and walked away.
"Well? What does it say?" Louise asked.
Robyn handed the paper to Louise, her mouth open in shock at what was written on the sheet.

Jacob Masters Connie

They both looked over to Connie who was walking towards Jacob.
"Fancy explaining why you voted for 'sperm donor?'" she asked him.
"Well I couldn't write my name! And I thought you'd kill me if I voted for someone else. I couldn't not vote or they'd get suspicious, that's the only reason Charlie voted for sperm donor too, he wasn't voting for or everyone would work it out and he certainly wasn't offending you by choosing the rest of them" Jacob explained.
"Alright you're off the hook, but it doesn't matter anymore" Connie said.
"Why not?" Jacob asked in confusion.
Connie smirked "go and see for yourself" she said.
He eyed her suspiciously then walked to Robyn and Louise who were still in shock.
"You? Mrs B's having your baby?" Robyn stuttered.
He looked down at the sheet and grinned, "well it's what the sheet says so I guess she must be, isn't that right sweetcheeks?" he said, turning back to Connie who approached him.

She wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his chest, "looks like it" she said.
Jacob rested his hands on her bump, "I love you" he said before kissing the top of her head.
"I love you too Jacob" Connie replied.
"Hello? When the hell did this happen?" Robyn asked.
"None of your concern staff nurse Miller. And that goes for the rest of you who seemed to have stopped working to stare, get back to work! But before you do, let's get one thing straight, your suggestions were ridiculous! That's especially aimed at those of you who voted for Dr Knight" Connie said.
All the staff quickly hurried away leaving Jacob grinning at Connie, "one of a kind Beauchamp" he said.
"I know, that's why you love me" Connie stated before kissing him gently.

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