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"What if they don't like me?" Connie asked again as Jacob pulled into his parents drive way.
"Then they'd be mad" Jacob replied.
"Jay I'm serious!" She said.
"So am I! You're smart, funny, beautiful, what's not to like sweetcheeks" he told her.
Connie smiled as he lent over and kissed her, deepening it very quickly as he slipped his tounge into her mouth and held her waist.
She moaned into the kiss and slipped her arms around his neck holding his head as he lifted her from her own seat and into his as they continued to roam each other's mouths.

His parents and sister stood in the living room window watching after they had heard his car pull up outside.
"Well he's definetly smitten" his dad said.
"I doubt they'll end up coming in anytime soon, he'll have her in the back in no time" his sister smirked.
"Sophie! That's your brother you're talking about!" His mum said.
Sophie just smirked and carried on watching them, they showed no signs of stopping.
Jacob held Connie's waist with one hand whilst putting the other hand up her top and squeezing her breasts alternately.

She moaned into his mouth and moved her hips forward, feeling his hard length pushing through the material of both their clothes.
They only finally parted in a fit of laughter when Connie hit the horn of the car and it sounded very loudly bringing them back to reality.
Jacob laughed and pulled her forward so her head was resting on his chest, "you've got nothing to be nervous about beautiful" he told her.
"If you say so, I just want them to like me. You mean the world to me Jacob, and I want them to know that" Connie replied.
Jacob looked up towards the house and spotted his parents and sister who had moved to open the front door and stand watching whilst smirking at them.

"Errr I think they already know babe" Jacob laughed nervously.
Connie turned to look where he was looking then turned back to face him quickly, "do you think they saw all that?!" she asked.
"Probably, but we were only kissing babe. They won't care, I don't think they would care if it was something more, let's just go inside" he replied.
Connie nodded and climbed off his lap into her own seat then at the same time they got out of the car.
They both went round to the boot although Jacob insisted he had to carry Connie's bags too, then he took her hand with his free one and walked to the front door.

"Jacob! Lovely to see you again, and who is this lovely lady you've brought with you?" his mother asked.
"This is my girlfriend Connie, Connie this is my mum Leanne, my dad Marcus and my sister Sophie" Jacob replied.
"Nice to meet you" Connie said with a smile.
"You too dear, come inside, we've made lunch" Leanne said.
"Reckon she's already eaten after the car display mum" Sophie said causing Connie to go bright red and step closer to Jacob.
"Sweetcheeks she's joking" he said reassuringly before following his parents inside with Connie.

"Leave your bags at the bottom of the stairs, you can take them up later" Marcus told Jacob.
He put the bags down then went into the dining room with Connie.
Everyone sat down and began to eat, Jacob keeping on hand on Connie's thigh at all times.
"So should I be expecting any grandchildren any time soon?" Leanne asked.
Jacob choked on his drink, whilst Connie sat silently with a smile forming on her face.
"Err no mum, let's not talk about that" he said.
"Really? Connie doesn't seem bothered, she's smiling" Marcus said.
Jacob looked at her, "babe?" he said.
Connie took a deep breath, "I'm pregnant, I took the test before we left" she told him.

"What? But we were careful, we always use protection" Jacob stuttered.
Connie's heart dropped and she stood up, "can I use your bathroom please?" she asked.
"I'll show you" Sophie said before leading Connie out.
"What? Why did she walk away?" Jacob asked in confusion.
"Because of you! You didn't seem very happy when she told you, instead you just asked how. But it doesn't matter how, she's pregnant you're going to be a dad Jacob!" Leanne said.
Jacob sighed, "of course I'm happy, over the moon! I was just shocked!" he said.
"We aren't the ones that needs to hear that! Go after her!" Marcus said.

Jacob ran up the stairs taking two steps at a time until he reached the bathroom.
Sophie was sat with Connie on the edge of the bath holding tissues out to her to dry her eyes.
"Con?" Jacob said.
"I'll leave you both to it" Sophie said as she stood up and walked out passed Jacob.
He bent down infront of Connie and placed his hands on her knees, "I'm happy baby, really happy. I want this baby with you, I want to be a daddy. I was just shocked, that's why I reacted the way I did. I'm so sorry" he told her.
Connie smiled weakly and wrapped her arms around his neck as they embraced each other, "I love you" Jacob said.
"I love you too" she replied.
She stood up and took his hand as they went back downstairs, then he sat down and pulled her onto his knee, placing his hands on her stomach.
"Welcome to the family Connie" Marcus said.

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