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3rd Person P.O.V:

At Vanoss, Terroriser, Basically, & Nogla. . . "Evan, you ready?" asked Terroriser, and Vanoss grabbed his jacket & wore it. "Yea." Replied Vanoss. Basically grabbed his backpack of electronics, and said, "Alright, this is it." "Man, it's been a while." Said Nogla. "It has." Replied Basically. "It's not that long." Said Terroriser, who came down with Vanoss. "Well, we haven't met the others in a while." Said Nogla. "Yea. . ." said Basically. "Come on, we're going." Said Vanoss, and walked out.

At Delirious, Wildcat, & Lui. . . ". . .!" called Delirious. "I'm coming!" said Wildcat, and rushed downstairs. "You slowpoke." Said Lui. "I-I'm sorry." Said Wildcat. "Don't be mad at Kitty, Lui." said Delirious' brother, Delirium. "Shut up Methane." Said Lui. ". . ." said Delirious to Lui. "Yea, yea, sorry." Said Lui with sarcasm. "Jon, can I go visit you guys?" asked Delirium, then Delirious pat Delirium's head, and said, ". . ." ". . .Okay. Be careful." Said Delirium with a smile. "Now, let's go." Said Wildcat.

At Bryce & Moo. . ."Hey Bryce." Said Moo. "What? We're in a hurry." Said Bryce. "Do you have some cigs? I ran out." Said Moo. ". . .Here." said Bryce & handed to Moo. "Thanks." Said Moo, lit the cig with his lighter, and smoked. "Come on. We're gonna be late." Said Bryce, and they walked outside. "I don't really care if we're late." Said Moo. "Well, I do, and I can't leave you alone in my house. Also, you don't wanna be yelled at, right?" said Bryce. ". . .You're right." Said Moo.

At MiniLadd. . . "Nothing like a good coffee in the morning. . .no one yelling to work. . .peaceful." said MiniLadd, and drank his coffee, then looked at the time. "Almost time. . .well, I better go." Said MiniLadd & stood up from his seat, paid for the coffee, and walked outside.

At CaRtOoNz. . . "Time for some killing!" said Cartoonz, grabbing guns from his closet, and put it in his pockets. "Cannot wait~." Said Cartoonz with a grin, and walks outside.

At Droidd. . . "Hmm. . .not too fancy. . .just perfect~. I cannot wait to see the others." Giggles Droidd, then he grabs a file & his wallet. ". . .I shouldn't think about it." Said Droidd, and puts his wallet in his pocket, then walks outside.

At Jiggly & 407. . ."Wohoo! Jackpot!" said 407. "Come on, that's enough. Let's go." Said Jiggly. "Aww, I was having fun!" said 407. "We don't have time." Said Jiggly. "Okay, okay, geez. You want to see Tyler that bad~?" asked 407. "Well. . .yea. I'm a bit worried about him. Vanoss doesn't take care of him. I would never put Tyler in dangers." Said Jiggly. "Okay, hot guy, let's get going then." Said 407.

At Ohm. . . ". . .I should get going." Said Ohm, and grabbed his bandanna, then put it on. "Ready to meet my loves~." Said Ohm with a smirk. "Going so soon?" asked Sattelizer, and Ohm turned to him. "Well, it is time. Thank you for letting me stay~." Said Ohm with a wink. "N-No problem, and. . .you said the base need some repairs, right?" asked Sattelizer. "Yea, and we need to work twice as hard to pay the money." Said Ohm. ". . .Why don't we make a deal? I have an extra base, you guys can borrow it, and I'll pay for the repairs of you guys' base, but that's if you guys can. . .do me a favor." Said Sattelizer. ". . .I'll make sure it reaches to Evy's ears~." Said Ohm with a smirk. "Alright." Said Sattelizer. "You going to work?" asked Ohm. "Yea." "I'll bodyguard you~." ". . .That'll be nice." Said Sattelizer. "Absolutely, milady~." Said Ohm, and walked outside with Sattelizer.

Later. . .at the base. . . "I found it!" said Basically, and pulled out files from his desk drawer. "Nice! Do we have some work?" asked Terroriser. "Yea, we do!" replied Basically. "Man, this place is a mess." Giggled Nogla. "Yea, because of some people." Said Basically. "Shut the fuck up." Said MiniLadd. "Well, good thing we're able to find files & stuff. Also, I have some missions we can go." Said Droidd. "Nice, Droidd!" said Terroriser. "Real nice. . ." said Lui. "I would like to see you get some jobs for us." Said Droidd, and Lui remained silent. "Think before you talk." Said Droidd. "Hey, stop picking on him already! Jesus." Said Nogla with his arms crossed. "He's the one who said it with sarcasm. You know that these files for missions are important. That little trash doesn't realize it." Said Droidd. "Droidd, I swear to god-" MiniLadd cut Nogla off, "Enough! I don't want fights this early in the morning! God, I hate you guys so much!" "Shut the fuck up medic." Said Moo. "Oh, now you want to start a fight!?" asked MiniLadd, then Moo blew smoke to MiniLadd's face. "Gross!" said MiniLadd coughing & backed up a bit. "Pussy." Said Moo with a slight giggle. ". . ." said Delirious. "We didn't have any problem. You?" asked Bryce. ". . ." said Delirious with a smile. "T-That's good." Said Bryce blushing a bit. "Hey, where the fuck is Ohm?" asked Cartoonz. "That's strange, he always comes pretty quick." Said Basically. "I hope nothing bad happened." Said Wildcat. ". . ." said Delirious. "That flirty boy? I'm sure he'll come soon." Said 407. "Don't worry Tyler." Said Jiggly with a smile. "Alright." Said Wildcat & smiled back.

Ohm came, and said, "Hello my loves~!" "You're late!" said MiniLadd. "Oh, I'm so sorry Mini~. Do you want to punish me for that~?" asked Ohm. "Gross! No!" said MiniLadd blushing a bit, and Ohm giggled. "Ohm, get your ass over here!" said Cartoonz, and Ohm walked up to Cartoonz. "Good morning~." Said Ohm. ". . ." said Delirious. "Good morning, Ohm." Said Wildcat. "Took you long." Said Bryce. "Oh, did you guys miss me~? I missed you guys~." Said Ohm. "Alright, enough flirting Ohm. You have some news or anything? I wanna kill bitches." Said Cartoonz. "Oh, I'd love to see bitches die~. And unfortunately, no news like that, but I do have something, but it's for Evy." Said Ohm. "About what?" asked Bryce. "About the base. And. . .where is Evy?" asked Ohm.

Vanoss came out of the base, and threw the folders to Basically & Terroriser. "Whoa, there's a lot." Said Terroriser. "Most are garbage, but they do give money, so it's worth it, I guess." Said Vanoss. "Evy!" said Ohm, and ran up to him. "What Ohm?" asked Vanoss. "May I have a morning kiss~?" asked Ohm, suddenly Bryce drop kicked on Ohm. "Stay focused!" said Bryce. ". . .!" said Delirious, and ran up to Ohm. "I'm fine Delly, and sorry, I got sidetracked~." Giggled Ohm. "Yea right." Said Bryce, crossing his arms. "So, what is it?" asked Vanoss. "It about the base, our alliance, SattelizerGames offered to help us pay to repair the base. He has an extra base that we can use, but we need to do a favor for him." Said Ohm. ". . .Depends on what his favor is. . .I'll meet him later if I had time, as for now. . .BBS CREW MEMBERS! WE HAVE WORK TO DO! PREPARE FOR IT!" said Vanoss. "Aye, aye boss!" said Terroriser. "I'm ready." Said Basically. "Anything Vanoss!" said Lui with his eyes sparkling. "Was born ready~." Said Nogla. "Gotta buckle up for work, huh." Said MiniLadd. ". . ." said Delirious, and Moo dropped his cig, stepped on it, then grinned. "Mission time." Said Bryce. "Oh yes~!" said Ohm. "Can't wait to blow their fucking heads off!" said Cartoonz. "Exciting~." Said Droidd. Wildcat took a deep breathe, then Jiggly put his hand on Wildcat's shoulder & smiled, and Wildcat smiled back. "Well, since we're here. . .I guess." Said 407.

Vanoss grinned, and said, "ALRIGHT!"

(The BBS Crew Members & Rogues are available for asks & dares.)

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