Responsibility (Ask #371-372)

200 9 7

Question from Cosmic_glass ,

"Are you crying mini, ugh damn this ache my heart really bad, you will make it mini heh,hopefully. *pats mini's hair* I guess just relax a bit"

MiniLadd: I-I'm not crying. Leave me alone.

Terroriser: . . .Mini. . .w-why did you. . .what happened?

MiniLadd: . . .You don't need to worry about it.

Terroriser: . . .I. . .I can't bear seeing you like this, okay? I'll. . .do something with your arm. *Picks up MiniLadd's arm* . . .You stay here, and wait, okay? *Walks to the lab*

Moo: . . .Craig. . .

MiniLadd: . . .Heh, it sucks being a patient, huh?


AWolfsJourney  "Dear God everything is going straight to hell"

Vanoss: . . .This is beyond hell.

AlexTerroiser "I really don't appreciate Tyler right now because of what he's done..."

Vanoss: I don't either. He'll pay.

LazilyProductive   "I can kinda agree, Wildcat did go insane for his so called "sister" which is a pretty normal act if someone you cared for or even loved is gone, and Taya really isn't a person, just a person who is trying to become a part of Tyler's past but Taya was never there when he had no one to turn to. So I can agree that this so called "sister" was trying to get wildcat to think or believe that she was someone important to him when she wasn't"

Vanoss: . . . *Clenches his fists*

"But at the same time, Wildcat was a fool to believe that this person was a sister, but again, this is something that person would do if their loved one is killed or taken away. I'm not trying in any way to say that Tyler is the only one left and has no one else to talk to, he has the crew, he has Anthony someone who will understand and tend him if in a saddened mood. The crew is his family and friends. And "Taya" is not part of this family, she's just someone trying to impress Tyler."

Vanoss: . . .Blood is not everything. . .Tyler. . .

"And this caused him to go insane for nothing, over a person who will never understand Tyler's weaknesses.


Vanoss: . . .

Question from KarmaXKid ,

"Karma: Oh yeah, Ohm has nature powers or something like that, doesn't he?"

Ohm: Oh, yes I do~.

Droidd: Guys, what happened?

407: I don't know, Vanoss brought Tyler back, and MiniLadd's arm was torn apart.

Ohm: What!?

Droidd: . . .That is not good.

407: I know.

Nogla: That is unfortunate. Hope he's okay.

"X: True... Nogla's smarter than expected, which surprised me. No offense, of course. They did mention that he was one of the smartest, though-

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