Wildcat's Way of Fighting (Ask #479-481)

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Lui: Nogla! *Runs up to Nogla & checks the wound*

Nogla: *Bleeding from his shoulder, 'unconscious'*

Lui: Fuck! *Rips his sleeve to wrap it around Nogla's wound*

Swag: *Runs up to Ohm* Bunny!

Bryce: *Runs up to Ohm* Ohm!

Ohm: *Bleeding from his shoulder, 'unconscious'*

Swag: *Summons birds with herbs & let them put the herbs on Ohm's & Nogla's wound*

Question from wolfiechan12352 ,

"Cody!? You don't have to shoot ohm and nogla they aren't in the duel?!"

Bryce: God fucking dammit! *Turns to RacingCatz & aims his gun at him* You son of a bitch!

RacingCatz: I laid off Wildcat, didn't I?

Lui: That doesn't mean you shoot others!

RacingCatz: Someone already interrupted the duel, and I think this is equal. *Turns to Bryce* Don't think I didn't see you & Mr. Calibre reach for the gun. You guys were ready to shoot me, it was like a self-defense.

Moo: Why'd you shoot Nogla & Ohm then!?

RacingCatz: Someone else getting hurt hurts more, doesn't it?

Jiggly & 407: *Attacks RacingCatz*

Droidd & Basically: *Enters*

Basically: What is going o- *Sees RacingCatz, Jiggly & 407 fighting* Whoa!

Droidd: *Sees them* Oh. . .*Sees Ohm & Nogla hurt, Lui supporting Nogla* Lui? Ohmwrecker? Nogla?

Basically: *Sees Ohm & Nogla hurt* What happened here!?

Jiggly: You son of a bitch! *Stabs RacngCatz's arm*

RacingCatz: *Kicks Jiggly in the stomach & takes the knife out*

407: This motherfucker shot them! *Swings his fist to RacingCatz's face*

RacingCatz: *Dodges, then grabs 407's arm, & stabs it with the knife*

407: AGH!

RacingCatz: *Wraps his arm around 407's neck, choking him* As a messenger, I get in a lot of dangers with the gang. Unlike you guys, I'm alone, fighting a bunch.

407: *Struggling* F-Fuck. . .

Jiggly: Ugh. . .S-Scotty!

RacingCatz: *Releases 407, then kicks him in the back* I am confident, that I can beat you guys.

407: *Cough* You. . .BITCH!

Basically: Cody, stop it!

RacingCatz: I'll stop after I kill them.

Wildcat: *Starts crawling quietly to the gun* (Anthony. . .Scotty. . .Nogla. . .Ohm. . .) [I have to end this. . .]


AWolfsJourney  "Calm down Ty! Don't let it get out of hand!"

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