Get to Work (Ask #391-395 + Dare #100)

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Question from Ninjaofdeathshadows ,

"Are you okay nolga and do you have a high tolerance to pain :/ and also....hi :D"

Nogla: Hello, I'm fine, and well. . .I don't know. *Giggles*

Marksman: Is everyone in BBS like this? Crazy?

Nogla: In a way, yea.

Wildcat: Nogla, are you okay?

Nogla: Don't worry, Wildcat.

Noah: . . .The fuck happened?

Nogla: Just a little talk & convincing.


thestars-ash  "now that's a mother who cares for her kids right there fellas"

Nogla: *Giggles* I guess I'm a mother now.

Smii7y: Then who's the father?

Noah: *Blushes a bit* You really had to ask?

Smii7y: He's the one who said it out of the blue.

Ohm: *Dashes in & hugs Nogla* Here's daddy~!

Nogla: Whoa! *Giggles* Ohm!

Legiqn: That was the most disturbing shit I ever heard.

Lui: Gross, man.

Bryce: I swear to god, Ohm. . .

407: Seriously. . .

Noah: Hey! *Grabs Ohm* Get the fuck off him!

Ohm: Oh. . .you jelly~?

Noah: *Blush* I-I'm just helping out my friend.

Nogla: Thanks, Noah. *Smiles*

Kryoz: Um. . .Officer Marksman, how was the. . .talk?

Marksman: . . .Kryoz, Legiqn, listen up.

Legiqn: I'm listening.

Kryoz: *Gulp*

Marksman: . . .We're gonna be working with the BBS to capture the Derp Crew.

Kryoz: WHAT!? B-B-B-But-

Legiqn: Calm the fuck down man. John, we follow our leader's command.

Kryoz: . . .But. . .they're gangs. . .

Marksman: *Pats Kryoz's head* I'm sorry, but. . .trust me, John.

Kryoz: . . .*Sigh* Alright, Officer Marksman, I follow your command. *Salutes*

Marksman: *Smiles* Thank you.

AWolfsJourney  "Ok, Nogla get patched up and lets get this whole thing started!"

Nogla: Before that, we need to talk to Boss. This mission is gonna be longer than we thought.

Legiqn: Alright, and what do we need to do?

Ohm: First, Marcel can locate the Derp Crew, then we come up with a plan to capture them.

Lui: We should check our weapons for any supplies.

Join My Crew Season #2 (Ask 2pYoutubers)Where stories live. Discover now