Party Time! (Ask #113-121)

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Delirium: Yay! Everyone came!

Nogla: Hey Jason.

Delirium: Hi, and LUI! *Hugs Lui*

Lui: Methane!

Delirium: So glad you came, my best friend!

Lui: Alright, so get off!

Terroriser: Nice decorations.

Delirious: . . . (We worked pretty hard on it.)

Wildcat: That's awesome, Delirious.

407: Let's have some fun!

Moo: Alright, alright.

Ohm: Oh, I cannot wait~!

Basically: We also have some questions & dares.

MiniLadd: Don't ruin this, please.

Jiggly: It's a rule.

Bryce: No, it's not!



MiniLadd: I don't need it.

Terroriser: Yes, you do! Come on, Mini.

MiniLadd: Fuck you.

Terroriser: *Sigh* You leave me no choice. . .Jason! Can you come here!?

Delirium: Huh? Okay. *Walks up to Terroriser & MiniLadd* Yes, Mr. Terror?

Terroriser: Mr. Mini is feeling lonely, can you give him your love?

MiniLadd: WHAT!?

Delirium: Sure! *Hugs MiniLadd* Mr. Mini, I love you!

MiniLadd: *Blushes a bit* G-Get off of me!

Terroriser: Now, that's sweet. *Giggles*

Lui: Now, Mini knows how I feel, huh?

Question from KarmaXKid ,

"Kid: Yay, Nogla likes it! ^w^ I STILL CAN'T GET OVER THE FACT THAT I CAN DRAW WRINKLES. OwO Karma: ... X, I'm scared. X: I'm glad Marcel likes it. *smiles* Karma: WHOA. X: What? Karma: YOU FUCKING SMILED. HOLY SHIT. X: So? Karma: THAT, LIKE, NEVER HAPPENS. X: *Smile goes away* ... Okay. Karma: Anyway, I'm glad Bryce finds my art "Okay". Not sure how you see Delirious "beautiful" since they're all the same art style, but hey, if he likes it, it's fine. Ohm... WHY ARE YOU SO CUTE/HOT? I FEEL LIKE MY ART ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU LOOK LIKE HOW YOU ACT. Delirious, you're too fucking kind. Another reason why I find you admirable. Vanoss... "Not bad, I guess."? -.- ... ... Oh my gosh, FINALLY. SOMEONE WHO DOESN'T REPEATEDLY SAY, "You're good at art!" OR, "You're so good at drawing!" OR, "That looks good!" THIS IS WHY I LIKE VANOSS'S STRICT MANNER. I am so glad someone doesn't think of my art as something out of this world. I don't mind if people say it's good, but it gets annoying from time to time. X: Agreed. Kid: Thanks for checking out our art! :)"

Ohm: Well~, I don't know~. I'm just being myself~.

CaRtOoNz: They forgot to say, 'Sexy'.

Ohm: *Giggles*

Droidd: He is cute, hot & sexy.

MiniLadd: We're not a fucking artist, and people are just being nice by complimenting, cause they don't care.

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