Taking Care (Ask #184-187 + Dare #50-52)

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Dare from amber_sketches ,

"I dare everyone NOT to curse until Tyler is back to normal. If you curse, then you have no choice but to face your worst fear"

MiniLadd: I mean. . .doesn't the beep out count?

Lui: I'm getting sick of these dares. . .*sigh*

Droidd: Deal with what you gotta deal.

Lui: F*** this. Even Delirious isn't strict about cursing in front of Methane.

Terroriser: I mean. . .Jason is an adult.

Lui: On the outside.


LuisentMoon  "Ooh! I can't help but say this too adorable! I am so recording this and showing Wildcat after he changes back *starts recording*"

Wildcat: Huh?

Delirious: *Giggles* . . .? (Tyler, what do you want to do?)

Wildcat: . . .I want to draw!

Delirious: *Smiles* . . . (Alright, I'll go get it for you.)

Wildcat: Del, thank you! *Smiles*

Delirious: . . . (You're welcome.)

OmegaTheta  "Oh my goodness AHHH!! My heart! Oh goodness my heart is dying from the cuteness!! HOW DID I FORGET WILD GOT TURNED INTO SOMETHING CUTER!?!?!? Ehh... my brain T^T Also here! Plushies of the entire BBS crew to make widdle tyler happy! ^v^"

Wildcat: Yay! *Hugs the plushies*

Jiggly: *Smiles* So cute.

AWolfsJourney  "X3 omg yes! And Vanoss, stop being scary around Wildcat, cause if it keeps up it'll be to the point where baby Wildcat will not trust you!"

Vanoss: . . .

MiniLadd: F*** off. Evan, just leave Tyler to the guys. You're not good with kids.

Vanoss: . . .Right.

MiniLadd: . . .*Puts his glasses on, then wraps his arm around Vanoss' shoulder* Fine, I'll help you out.

Vanoss: Wha- *Looks at MiniLadd, then blushes a bit*

MiniLadd: I've had some experience taking care of kids in the hospital. I hope I remember some.


MiniLadd: Delirious!

Delirious: . . .? (Yes?)

MiniLadd: Can you leave Tyler to me & Evan for a little? No questions.

Delirious: . . .- (But-)

MiniLadd: No buts either.

Delirious: *Sigh* . . . (Fine, but if you & Vanoss hurt Tyler, I won't forgive you guys.)

MiniLadd: Just leave.

Delirious: *Hesitantly walks away*

Vanoss: . . .So, what are we gonna do?

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