Our Playground (Ask #413-415 + Dare #104)

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Lazilyproductive  "Ohm you beautiful human"

Ohm: Oh, I'll take that compliment~.

Swag: Indeed. Anyway, why are you guys here?

407: You screwed up our plan, you little shit!

Bryce: *Kicks Ze*

Ze: *Dodges*

Chilled: Ze, are you okay?

Ze: I'm alright, Chilled.

Question from txcArt ,

"As a person who cares and loves(not in that way) Bryce, reading Ze and Bryces interaction, uhhhHhHHHH what thE fUck?


Ze: 'Honey'? Bryce, have you been cheating on me!?

Bryce: The fuck are you talking about!? We aren't-

Ohm: Brycey! You cheated on me & Delly as well!?

Bryce: Shut up! You make things more complicated! I'm not dating anyone & I didn't cheat! *Blush* Also, d-don't pull Delirious in this mess.

Ze: Bryce, didn't I tell you before? BBS is not a place where you should be. You're more than them. Your place should be with me.

Bryce: Bullshit! I told you to shut the fuck up! I'm not leaving BBS!

Basically: Okay, so to answer the question, Ze has been targeting Bryce for a while. He tried to pull Bryce in his crew multiple times.

Ze: You're wasting your gift! *Reaches his hand out to Bryce* Join us. You belong to a more intelligent crew, and we are the one for you~.

Bryce: . . .How many times are you going to make me say? I refuse! I'm not betraying my crew!

Ze: . . .Chilled.

Chilled: Scanning. . .no target acquired.

Ze: Hmm. . .fine. Open dimension. *Activates Digital Dimension*

Chilled: Roger. *Activates Digital Dimension*

Smarty & GaLm: *Activates Digital Dimension*

Lui: What the fuck!?

Kryoz: What did you guys do!?

Ze: Now, this place is our playground~. Let's split them, shall we?

Chilled: Hacking. . .combination found.

Smarty: Alright, let's move you guys in. *Holographic chart with icons appears & starts shuffling the icons*

~Ground moves~

Noah: Whoa! What the fuck!?

407: Oh shit!

Lui: What's going on!?

Marksman: Tyler! *Grabs Wildcat's hand*

GaLm: *Summons walls*

Ohm: Wow, impressive~!

Basically: They're in control of the area!

Nogla: *Giggles*This is bad.

lunatictedd16  "Vanoss and jiggly, I know I may sound absurd, but you two look cute together. No offense, sorry. It's just my opinion."

Vanoss: WHAT!? No fucking way!

Jiggly: I'm not angry or anything, it's your opinion.

AWolfsJourney  "VanJiggly~! New ship! Along with VanWildJigglyMarks!!!"

Vanoss: Fuck off! And what the fuck is that longass ship name!?

Droidd: Boss, Wildcat, Jiggly, and. . .who?

RacingCatz: Is it Marksman?

Jiggly: Uh. . .why?

Question from CherryBlossm112 ,

"*hugging a fluffy fox and sitting next to MiniLadd* I hope you okay Mini... *starting tears up*... I'm sorry for not helping you Mini...*look down & tears fall down in her cheeks*... and Vanoss can I sit beside Mini...please?"

Vanoss: . . .Fine.

Question from Cosmic_glass ,

"...Poor Mini...*sighs* hopefully everything will turn out good, I wish I did something ....... hey um I want to ask does he still has his bracelet on *softly smiles* it's funny that he still take care of it...It's really sweet of him....."

CaRtOoNz: No, but he's holding onto it.

Delirious: . . . (He meant to say yes.)

Dare from H2OVanoss2016 ,


Vanoss: Fuck off, I'm not doing this shit. I have problems in my crew, I don't have time to care about the public.

RacingCatz: Evan. . .you do have a point, actually. You guys are really under stress, and doing things for the public & for 100 questions is just. . .a bit too over.

CaRtOoNz: Jesus fucking Christ, this person is crazy.

KarmaXKid  "Kid: ... I feel very uncomfortable right now... Just... wHAAAAT?! I'm so used to Evan being a big jerk and I'm so used to lashing out on him like a crybaby but now he's not that big of a jerk and being a bit more soft and less strict and it's such a drastic change just wHAAAAA-"

Vanoss: Shut the fuck up. I was under extreme stress, and I'm still. . .*looks at MiniLadd* worried. . .

RacingCatz: Evan, Craig will be alright. You know that he's not a man who would die this easily.

Jiggly: This isn't eas-

RacingCatz: *Quick punches in Jiggly's stomach*

Jiggly: Ugh!

RacingCatz: *Turns to Vanoss* Trust me. He'll be alright. I know, this is painful, but. . .stay strong. *Holds Vanoss' hands* You can do this!

Vanoss: . . .*Smiles* Thanks Cody.

Delirious: . . .? (Um. . .are you okay, Jiggly?)

Jiggly: Ugh. . .y-yea. . .ugh. . .

RacingCatz: *Turns to Jiggly* I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hit you that hard.

Vanoss: Looks like he got a taste of Cody's strength.

Delirium: Do you want some water?

Jiggly: I-I'm okay.

Droidd: *Thinking about Wildcat & RacingCatz* So kitties really are strong & scary.  

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